You will be rejuvenated by the New Moon on the 4th by developing a new battle plan for your career goals. Try not to limit yourself at this time but reach for the brass ring. Both Venus and Mercury are united in your Career sector to keep your scales balanced in facing any competition up the corporate ladder. Your brilliant ideas on the 6th can put you in line for a bonus. On the 10th a secret confidence is shared with you concerning work. On the 12th your ruler Venus enters your Friendship sector. Now you can lighten up a little and join in some group activities. The Full Moon on the 19th focuses your attention on home and family matters. If you’ve been too wrapped-up with work, loved ones will now be demanding your undivided attention. Great time to plan a family reunion or party in your home

Your co-ruling planet, Mars has finally stopped moving in a backward motion. With his powers now fully unrestrained, you can forge a new independent path to success in all your endeavors. Don’t be shy with showing off your stuff to the world. Carpe Diem. The New Moon on the 4th illuminates your Travel sector. This ignites a fire within you to spread your wings and take flight. If you heed the call and journey to an exotic locale, Venus, the Love planet promises many romantic moonlit nights. Upper management becomes more receptive to your ideas starting on the 12th. You know how to showcase your talents at this time to your greatest advantage. The Full Moon on the 19th helps you get both your personal and professional messages across in a no-nonsense way. Your ability to be a master of the facts will shine during presentations. This will earn you the reputation of being an authority in the field.

“Seek and you will find” is an applicable quote for Archers desiring to multiply their holdings in July. The New Moon highlights a financial sector on the 4th. Get out your bow and arrow out and aim for financial increases. Neptune stimulates your creative juices on the 8th thru the 10th to obtain better rates to purchase or refinance a home. Joint financial disputes can be ironed out on a more amicable note now too. Those archers seeking a financial backer for their business can land one with a big pocketbook and lots of stimulating ideas to enlarge profits. The Full Moon on the 19th has you looking into additional work-related training to up your income potential. On the 20th Venus aspects Saturn and bestows an air of stability to your romantic relationship. On the 27th, artists and musicians should showcase their talents to the world.

Mountain Goats can be struck with the revelation, after working so hard to get to the top, it can be pretty lonely up there. The New Moon on the 4th compels you to descend from your high perch and concentrate your energies on important relationships. Committed Capricorns should resolve to work on establishing closer ties and spending more time with their significant other. Venus and Mercury will help unattached Goats in their quest for finding true love thru the 12th. The Full Moon on the 19th can render you unusually touchy and thin skinned at the slightest provocation. Try not to personalize everything and lighten up or you’ll be seen as needy. Family finances can take a turn for the better on the 27th.

Starting under the rays of the New Moon on the 4th, it may become blatantly apparent that you need to increase your workforce. Instead of being a financial drain on the company, hiring the right people can boost sales. Also with home improvement projects, solicit outside help. In the long run the job will be done better than if you attempt it yourself. Romantic sparks can be ignited by the watercooler at the workplace thru the 12th. The Full Moon on the 19th makes you want to slow down your hectic pace and seek some alone time to recharge. Excellent time to start a daily regime of meditation or yoga. Take care not to delve into private matters with others or risk them not staying private for long. On the 20th you can have a lover from your past make unexpected advances. The 27th brings a flurry of good news out of the blue. Take care and quickly diffuse any potential fireworks from fellow employees on the 29th. Best to use some finesse in smoothing things out.

The New Moon on the 4th intensifies your need to give and receive love. If you’re unattached, you won’t be for long. Cast out your net for love on the romantic waters Neptune provides. Be bold in entering uncharted amorous seas. Fish who are hooked in an established relationship, can discover a new depth of feeling from their lover. Those who are involved in the arts professionally will find a big demand for their work thru the 12th. This is not the time to be timid. Promote yourself to the hilt. Take care that you don’t get hooked into overextending yourself for friends or organizations with the Full Moon on the 19th. It may be difficult for you to turn down any offer to help others, but to do otherwise will cost you. Creative ideas stream in on the 27th on how to get a bigger return on investments.

Author's Bio: 

Judith's career as an international Astrologer, Clairvoyant, and Feng Shui Master has spanned over 30 years and 6 continents.She is a popular guest on radio and TV stations. For an in-depth astrological analysis, Natal Chart Interpretations, Forecasts, Solar Return Relocations, contact Judith Ryan at 201-858-1689 or