If you think change is stressful, try NOT changing. Have you had it up to here with facing so much change? Are you resisting it, avoiding it, or embracing it? Do you want a fresh, new perspective on change? Do you need to get inspired and motivated to action? Well, it’s “GO” time!

As I travel across the country speaking to various organizations, the one question I get asked over and over is: "How do we handle all this change?" One thing we can count on for sure is the fact that change is constant. Changes in procedures, technology, social networking, the job market, on and on. So, since we all have to deal with change in one way or another, here are three secrets for powerful, effective change:

1. DECIDE to embrace change. We all have to start somewhere. The first step is to decide to have a positive attitude about change! Yes, you can make that choice. Let it become a habit. We can’t always choose our circumstances, but we always choose our response. You have the power to do that in every situation!

Managing change reduces stress both on and off the job. What’s not to love about that? Realize that change helps you grow into a well rounded, wiser, more experienced person. When we eliminate the fear of failure in our lives, we can make some powerful decisions about change.

Whether it’s a job, a relationship, a diet, a friendship that’s draining you, a new computer program, life balance, or even a hairstyle—you can make the decision to begin today to change it. In fact, just deciding to change is energizing. You’ll get the momentum flowing. My Grandma used to remind me that, “well begun is half done!”

2. DISCOVER all the possibilities. After we've decided to embrace change, it's time for the next step... to discover various possibilities to take us to our goal. This helps us to change effectively. Try out different options to discover what brings you the very best results. Thomas Edison gave us the light bulb. But it took thousands of tries before he discovered what worked. What about all his failures? They were simply stepping-stones to success. Thanks for helping us see the light, Thomas!

My Uncle Eddie invented a mini-donut machine in his garage. For years, he tweaked his plans until the device ran smoothly. Now these machines, called L’il Orbits, are distributed to fairs and malls around the U.S. and 68 foreign countries.

You may not give a darn about donuts, but discover the possibilities that work best for attaining your goals.

3. DEVOTE yourself to hanging in there while you and the rest of the world keep changing. This is where the big, valuable stuff really happens. You can take giant leaps forward by devoting your time and efforts to the important areas that need some changing. Just do a little at a time! Break it down into small chunks.

Change doesn't need to be overwhelming. It may feel tempting to quit, to lower our expectations, to detour our dreams. But if nothing changes—nothing changes! Yep. To get different results, we’ve got to do something different. Now is GO time. You can do it. Throwing in the towel just leads to a bigger pile of laundry!

Remember the 3 D's: DECIDE, DISCOVER, and DEVOTE. That's really all there is to embracing and managing change.

I wish you the best on your changing pathway. You really can keep fired up through change!

© 2010 - Carol Grace Anderson, M.A.

Author's Bio: 

Carol Grace Anderson is a dynamic speaker, motivational expert, and author of the popular book: Get Fired Up Without Burning Out! ® She also has an inspiring story in the million-selling Chicken Soup for the College Soul.

This former Psychology teacher and performer has worked with many entertainment legends including Johnny Cash, Jimmy Buffett, Jane Pauley, Willie Nelson, and Sandra Bullock. What powerful stories of success she shares!

Along the way, Carol has overcome some big life challenges and has learned first-hand how to get fired up...even in tough times! From growing up in a tiny 18-foot trailer, going blind in one eye, and losing her younger sister to breast cancer, she learned how to turn struggles into strength.

Carol has FIRED UP many organizations around the country: FedEx, The Mayo Clinic staff, State Farm, Microsoft, American Marketing Association, Century 21, American Heart Association, Lifetime Radio for Women, Mary Kay, Inc., Harley-Davidson, Caterpillar Financial, The Women’s Summit, NY Nurse Practitioners Association, National Personnel Association, National Nursing Managers Association, etc.

More than ever before, today’s professionals need Carol’s empowering message!

Visit her website with a short video: www.GetFiredUp.com