The other day I was doing a little google inquiries on a upcoming MLM company when I came across an article that had the #1 spot on google for the individual key word I was researching. I scanned the article, clicked on the author and one article trapped my eye. The title promised a secret to getting free MLM leads and I was shocked at what I read the secret to be...

Now, I'm always open to acquiring new methods to improve my results but, this author I quickly found out was not going to expand my awareness in this area. The method he laid out was locating lead companies that "free trial leads"...

That was it. That was his big secret.
I will say that he did offer some advice hidden with in a single sentance, he said additional way to get free leads was to attempt to generate your own. That's it. He didn't give the reader any inclination on how one would do that.

It turned out that his article was not about free leads his notification was the answer to what he thought you should market online with. Should one lead with the business opportunity first or the product?Regardless of where your leads appear from he said, you should always lead with the benefits of your product first get people to buy and then your opportunity...
Let me butt in here for a instant. If you're marketing you're company that way I'm going to recommend that you STOP! There is a better way.

Technology has caused our world to shrink. It no longer takes days for a message to reach someone. With just a click of a button, your message can be viewed and heard by thousands and possibly millions of people and if you running your mlm enterprise the way people were five years ago, you need to get in the game and change or you might get hurt.

In this article, I will show you why you want to stay clear of the other author’s advice and I will uncover a way you can position yourself for success the new economy.

Don't Even Think of Purchasing Leads

Let me begin by asking you a straightforward question. When you pay for leads from a lead company, where did they appear from? Do you really know?

Sure, the lead company can assure you that these leads are targeted, they’re fresh, they’re exclusive bla, bla, bla, it really doesn't matter. The fact is... You honestly have no idea because you were not involved in the marketing process. You don’t know if or how they were incentivized. Were they offered a free i-pod or something? You haven’t a clue. My point being...

You had no control or say in the process.

Which brings us to our next problem.. These leads have no idea who you are and they really don't care they just want their free i-pod. To them you're just another telemarketer trying to "sell" them on your "once in a lifetime opportunity."

Now, you may know sales, you may be a master on the phone and with those skills you’ll probably bring some people into your organization, but can they duplicate what you’ve done? How long will they last? Months… weeks… days? This is a brutal and painstaking way to try to build a organization. It's frustrating, rejection packed and not at all duplicatable. You desire your team to succeed, right? Then you must provide your people with simple actions that are duplicatable and if you think cold calling leads, walking up to people in the shopping mall, or putting on home presentations is duplicatable, then save yourself effort and go purchase a lottery ticket, you'll probably do better.

If You Want to Succeed in MLM – Understand This

Once you understand and internalize this secret, your whole world could change. You will raise your awareness on how you build a thriving mlm organization.

Here it is...

No one cares about your opportunity, THEY DO NOT WANT IT. What they really want is a solution to their problems.

Meditate on that. Internalize and burn into your unconscious mind, it's vitally important that you understand it. So, how do you do grow to be that person? Continue on and I'll explain, first let's get to back to the purchased leads.

Purchased Leads Do Not Belong To You

This is a big one. When purchasing leads they are NOT asking information about you or your opportunity. It's not your web form they're filling out. It's not your marketing that brought them to the web page. They are not your leads PERIOD. Your autoresponder will not let you load them in.Sure you can have them redirected into your companies autoresponder or lead management system, but that's your company's not yours. If something happens down the road with you and the affiliation you have with that company, or you decide to do something else, those people stay with the company not you.

This is why it's important that you have your own system. A system you can control. One that allows you to build a bond with the leads you generate and offer solutions their problems.

By now, you have no doubt realized that you have no control with purchased leads. You may as well burn your money, because remember - no one cares about your product or opportunity.

What's the answer then?

Self Branding

You brand yourself and market YOU! You expand the worth in yourself as a leader, and position yourself as a leader who has the answer to others problems. Stop selling and start serving.That's how money is earned, by providing service.You put into motion what I call Action-Attraction Marketing and Mindset.

When you give value to others you become a magnet, attractive, you activate the law of Vibration and from your actions you set up a reaction which attract others to you.Start to see yourself as a leader, a giver, ask yourself what are your talents and how can you share them with others.

Givers Gain

Show me a big producer and I’ll show you someone who understands the law of giving. Start to surround yourself with winners. Start asking how can I provide more service. It’s a mental shift that you can begin right now. It only requires a decision, a decision that you are going to be a leader, a person of value. Make the decision and then make a commitment to self growth.

I think America’s foremost business philosopher, Jim Rohn, hit the nail on the head when he said "Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got."

Start to understand yourself, start studying why you do certain things. A remarkable book to start with is James Allen's "As a Man Thinketh". That book to me back when I was being coached by Bob Proctor. He gave the book and told me to study it. I did and I still do today.

So, to sum up … stop buying leads, learn how to market, learn about yourself and build value in yourself. Find people who have done this and who are currently doing this. Follow what they do. Keep an eye out for additional articles by me here or on my blog.

Author's Bio: 

Ed Reiner is a Action-Attraction Marketing and Mindset expert in the MLM and Network Marketing industry. To start learning how to bridge the gap between what you know and what you do and immediately start building your business online with you positioned as the leader, follow the link to visit Ed Reiner’s Action-Attraction Mastermind Team