A lot of people always ask me this, and well the one simple straight answer I can give them is that its simply the best platform for creating a blog. Some of you guys are relatively new to the internet and marketing in general. Plus you still might be debating whether or not you should actually put a blog together. The short answer on that is yes! You see part of why anybody will buy anything you have to offer is if they trust you or not. If you seem like someone who can solve their problem and have some background knowledge. Basically an expert. That is what people want. There is no better way to promote products and confidence then through a personal, or business blog. The wordpress blogs are the most user friendly when it comes to starting one.

Wordpress is also loved by Google and most search engines, so this will be pivotal when it comes to getting rankings, and traffic. Now do not worry if you do not have a Ph.D. or even have that much to say in your particular niche. Simply having a blog put up with some new content from time to time can help drive hundreds of potential leads to your email capture page and sales funnel. For Goggle to be happy and send you traffic you only need to ad some new content about twice a week. It can be an article or even better a video. Video blogs are considered the ultimate in content and blog marketing by Google. Why do you think they bought Youtube? Because it is actually the most popular search engine, not Google. It is also the most popular social network at the same time, with over a billion accounts. Last I checked that is 500 million more then Facebook.

So when setting up your blog there are a few things you should have for better traffic. An about you page with a picture of you, not your logo or your dog, no matter how cute he is. Also give away some good quality bonuses. Be sure to make it easy to navigate. Put a video or two on your site promoting your products. Never have more then around four blog entries. You do not need a page a mile long with 15 entries showing all at once. Also do not over clutter it with advertising. People are not looking for a crazy billboard of a blog. They want good articles that address there needs and answer questions. These are the basics when it comes to blogging and blog marketing. Sign up on my email list and I’ll give you some really good insider tactics that have brought me over 25,000 visitors per month on my blog.

Author's Bio: 

Hi, my name is Trevor Poulson. I’m an expert author and professional internet marketer. For more info on how to market products online, check out
how to do the marketing for more insider info, and free eBook!