Painful periods can attack at any moment. They usually last longer than the average woman's menstrual cycle. Suffering from dysmenorrhea can make every single day seem like the worst. Even though the actual bleeding of the menstrual period may last a week, the pain associated with this disorder can occur at other time throughout the cycle. When diagnosed with or experiencing this painful disorder, you may be wondering what types of dysmenorrhea treatment is available.

Painful periods vary in severity, but the pain can be disabling. However painful the period may be, feeling alone may be more harmful. Most people have never heard of dysmenorrhea and may not understand that your pain is severe. Doctors use a conventional scale for patients to rate their pain, which may seem demeaning when your pain may feel like death is the only relief. Women suffering from painful periods feel alone and invalid and may lose the will to make it through the pain.

Prescription drugs are available, but often these drugs are a different type of evil as the cramps. Side effects of pills like these are the same as the side effects of painful periods. These are feeling nauseous, extreme fatigue, dizzy spells, and even vomiting.

Ibuprofen, a NAISD, is good for cramps, as it is an anti-inflammatory drug. When taking any pill or even eating anything during an attack, it is important to know your body. Menstrual migraine sufferers will want to time the consumption before the peak of migraine, when digestion has stopped, otherwise vomiting may occur. Vomiting could abort the migraine, so it is really up to you how you want to deal with the issues at hand.

A nice way to get comfortable is to cuddle up with a heating pad. Place it on the painful area and let the heat warm the soul. This is a great option when painful periods make you feel alone and weak. Cramps can cause inflammation, so applying cold to the area is soothing. Change the hot and cold often to keep the treatment working. If you are not a fan of feeling coldness or heat on your skin, then try a different treatment. Being irritated by something simple can make it harder to deal with your cramps.

Supplements, like B-vitamins, are helpful for women. Along with calcium and magnesium, these supplements help with PMS, which can make it harder to deal with the cramps. Potassium is good to restore an ion balance in the body. Maintain homeostasis as often as possible to prevent cramps and other health problems.

Pain that your body creates can be miserable. It is common to feel like a slave to the pain. Remember, to overcome these painful periods, you must believe that you have power over what happens to you. This pain may make you wretch, bawl, and scream. It may seem like the body is trapping you into a realm of hell and torture. This is when your mind becomes your most powerful tool in overcoming period pain.

Try new relaxation techniques. These will give you back the power over your body. You are your mind and you control the vessel that it is in. Using something like mirror therapy can reinforce this and help get to the painless future. Try yoga or other mind body techniques that will keep you peaceful or take your mind away from the body.

There is a such thing as dysmenorrhea treatment. Do not let your doctors give up hope on you or allow them to consider you just another menstrual case. Remember that too many women suffer from menstrual pain, but your pain still means something. Find a support system to keep your confidence up and to validate your feelings. Use various techniques to help you through pain.

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