The2010-decadeseems to be seeing hit after hit of an economic revolution, where people like never before can become entrepreneurs, and use their skills to support themselves. Companies like Lyft and Uber employ people with a car, a license, and a good recordto help those who need rides in their local area. Sites like Fiverr or the newest development, PimpCookie, allow people to sell their trade skills to people all around the globe.
PimpCookie is a service that allows consumers to buy desserts to be delivered right to their door. Now searching for sweets doesn’t just fall into what is in the area. Just browsing through the site’s listings can fulfill any special occasion or just sweet tooth craving. But can great food be delivered on a global scale? Companies like Naturebox, Shari’s Berries, or even a small Bakery like Bakersfield CA’s Sweet Surrender deliver food all over the world constantly. At PimpCookie, however, the delectable treats available have limitless potential and variety; all somebody needs to do is just search through the numerous options, from marshmallows to brownies to fudge to jerky and (as the name implies) cookies, and beyond.
Now, here comes the Uber-esque part. The question for some very well may be, “Where do these treats come from?” Others might be thinking to themselves, “What if I like to cook more than I like to eat?” Well, the thing about PimpCookie is that it allows home inspired bakers, cooks, and creators from all over the world to be able to post their small batch treat items for the global audience to enjoy. And unlike many other entrepreneurial marketplace websites, at PimpCookie, the seller always retains 85% of each sell! The site can even serve as a safe zone for experimentation with new dessert ideas. As long as someone has a great recipe for a wonderful treat, they can make it and sell it for a demanding public, looking for sweet satisfaction.
Consumers and creators alike can all come together on a site like PimpCookie, opening the door for culinary experts and the mouths of curious consumers. Now the power of Uber and Fiverr combine, selling chocolate fantasies from online right to the front door. This site seems like it very well is the next great idea, filling stomachs and bank accounts alike.

At PimpCookie the world’s best Artisan Cooks, Pastry Chefs, Bakers, Culinary Artists and Caterers; freshly prepared, unique gourmet dessert goods are given worldwide exposure!

Author's Bio: 

I'm just your average hygienist with a passion for excellence. I do what I do best, which is to help my patients achieve healthy smiles and provide & educate them with oral health care solutions and lifelong cosmetic procedures.