Nongonococcal urethritis can be contagious and may be transmitted through sexual life. Nongonococcal urethritis is a common infectious disease with a very high probability of infection. Nongonococcal urethritis specifically refers to pathogens other than gonorrhea, mainly caused by mycoplasma or chlamydia infection, which may cause inflammatory reactions in the urinary system. Typical clinical symptoms are frequent urination, urgent urination, not finishing urination, etc. It brings great pressure on the life and psychology of patients.

Nongonococcal urethritis is transmitted through direct contact, daily life, and indirect object infection. The transmission routes are sexual contact transmission, iatrogenic transmission, indirect contact transmission, mother-to-child transmission, etc. 

Sexual contact transmission is the primary mode of transmission of Nongonococcal urethritis. Mycoplasma, chlamydia, and other pathogens are mixed in the leucorrhea and semen. Through sexual life, they enter the body of healthy people and induce local inflammatory infection. 

Iatrogenic transmission. The medical staff did not take protective measures during the injection, dressing change, surgery, or examination, contacted the patient and infected them with the nongonococcal pathogen.

Indirect contact and transmission. Indirect contact with clothes, toilets, towels, bath towels, and other household items contaminated by patients with nongonococcal urethritis also leads to a higher incidence rate of nongonococcal urethritis. 

Mother-to-child transmission is more common in vertical transmission. During the vaginal delivery of pregnant women with nongonococcal urethritis, the baby is infected with nongonococcal bacteria through the birth canal.

How to treat nongonococcal urethritis

1. Physical therapy is relatively common. Some commonly used methods include bathing, thermotherapy, and various physiotherapy instruments. The common effects are promoting inflammation absorption, improving blood circulation, and relieving symptoms. Physical therapy is standard in current life. It can regulate the immune status of patients and cannot be used as the main treatment for diseases.

2. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment is a prevalent conservative treatment method. Usually, traditional Chinese medicine treatment has a good effect. It usually has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, promoting dampness and dripping. For example, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can relieve symptoms and improve the body's immunity. It is a common clinical drug that can eliminate edema in the glands of the urethra and help control symptoms.

3. Gene therapy is the first choice for treating nongonococcal urethritis, especially for patients with complications and drug resistance. It can penetrate the blood and urinary system of the whole body and quickly remove pathogens to cure nongonococcal urethritis and reduce diseases. For the recurrence of the disease, patients need to pay attention to timely treatment.

After patients with nongonococcal urethritis are diagnosed, you must try your best to avoid sex, and men must bring condoms. In addition to life, both men and women should maintain the hygiene of the perineum and change their underwear frequently. Drink more water and excrete dirt from the urethra by urinating. Proper intakes of protein and vitamins are necessary for the daily diet. Eat more fruit and less spicy food. Maintain a good mentality: Don't be disturbed by the disease and have bad emotions. A good mood can also help you recover.

Male patients with severe balanitis or phimosis must be treated early to avoid pathogen breeding. For uncommon pathogen infections, patients are generally recommended to culture urinary tract bacteria and add drug sensitivity experiments to help scientific treatment.

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