Job seekers over 50 (and over 40) can run into real trouble getting job interviews. Before you assume it's age holding you back, make a few improvements to your resume.

With the right resume know-how, your age and experience will be a huge positive for you in the job search.

Try these tips below to redo your resume, thendownload my free Guide to Getting a Job Over 50 (pdf).

  • Keep Your Resume to 2 Pages or Less

One of the hardest things for older job seekers to do is edit your work history, but you absolutely must.  No resume should be longer than 2 pages, unless you are at the C-level.  A too-long resume says (1) "I don't know how to tailor my resume to highlight what's important for this job" and (2) "I am at least over 40 and probably over 50, which you can see from my long list of jobs."  The good news is that you have a wealth of experience to create a true marketing document for yourself.  That leaves you with no resume fluff--only impressive, attention-getting accomplishments tailored for each job you apply for.

Experience doesn't matter nearly as much as what you've accomplished.  How have you helped the companies you worked for make money or save money?  Describe those accomplishments using numbers, dollars, and percentages on your resume and you will have hiring managers (potential bosses) racing to interview you.

  • Use Bullet Points, Not Paragraphs

A resume looks more interesting, energetic, and relevant with bullet points--plus, it's easier for the hiring manager to read and absorb your information.

  • Don't Include Every Job You've Ever Had

You only need to include the last 10-15 years of your experience.  Your earlier jobs (if you have more than 20 years of experience) probably don't have much to do with what you're doing now, anyway.

  • Leave the Dates Off Your Education

In your education section, only put the degree and the school, as well as the names of any additional classes, trainings, or certifications--no dates on any of them that hint at your age.

  • Leave References Off Your Resume

Hiring managers expect that you'll have a list of references to provide them if they ask for it.  Putting references on your resume (or 'References Provided Upon Request') makes your resume look outdated, and it wastes valuable space where you could be selling your skill set.

Author's Bio: 

This article is part of the How To Answer Interview Questions Series from Career Coach Peggy McKee of Career Confidential .

Find this article along with 100 more tough but typical job interview questions and answers here => Why have you changed jobs so frequently?