I recently had the chance to interview Jim Kukral - a web marketer & business web coach, speaker, long-time award-winning blogger, customer evangelist, writer, online monetization expert, and well, a bunch of other things. Yes, he’s done a bit of everything online.

He recently completed a new book, called Attention! This Book Will Make You Money: How to Use Attention-Getting Online Marketing to Increase Your Revenue, and took some time out to talk with me about the book and how it’s teachings are beneficial to small business owners, entrepreneurs, bloggers, and internet marketers.

The overall theme of the book is Attention – all business owners need it, but they need to know how to get it, and more importantly, how to maintain it. Think about it - All of your customers and prospects are thinking "why do i need to choose your business compared to the millions of other options I have access to." The way to make your business stand out is by getting their attention. After you get their attention, you can convert it into revenue. Revenue is not just the bottom line either – once you get the attention of prospects, it can lead to publicity, blog posts, and other business building opportunities like advertising and joint ventures.

The book goes into detail with case studies of entrepreneurs who have created a unique hook to stick with audiences. For example, you may not know the name Matthew Lesko, is but you may know “that guy from the late night commercials who wears the question mark suit.” We live in an “ADD world” where our attention shifts regularly from one point of interest to the next – creating a memorable hook sticks with the public, and that is the key to remaining on people’s radar.

Another strategy for coming up with great ideas that Jim talks about is breaking “traditional” rules and expectations of business. Most people in business try to fit a mold that they have been following – don’t stand out, don’t be different, stick with what works. An issue that is even more of a barrier is one’s own ego – people worry if their actions are going to ruffle feathers in the boardroom or get negative feedback. Jim’s book goes into detail as to how you can overcome these barriers and shows examples of those who did, and the benefits it brought them.
Most of the information in the book is ideal for small businesses, bloggers, and individual entrepreneurs, but in the end, it all comes down to your ability to take action. If you are someone who works for a big company, don’t fret – the same strategies can be applied and you can learn how to get over the intimidation factor that stands in your way.

I completely agree with Jim when he says that success in business comes to those who take action – the best thing anyone can do is sit down, come up with a plan, and do it. The only thing it costs you is time. Please press play on the player below to hear the full interview, and learn more about the book by going to http://www.attentionthebook.com/

Author's Bio: 

Jim Kukral is a web marketer & business web coach, speaker, long-time award-winning blogger, customer evangelist, writer, online monetization expert, and well, a bunch of other things. Yeah, he’s done a bit of everything online.

For years Jim has been working on the bleeding edge of web marketing and business. From owning his own web firms to consulting for some of the world’s largest companies, Jim Kukral has experienced just about everything web related you can think of. That’s why Jim has become one of the Industry’s most sought after consultants and public speakers.

Jim focuses on helping businesses and brands find success online. Whether that’s through providing expert advice for the firm that can’t figure out how to get their web strategy right, or helping a business achieve more publicity, sales or leads, Jim has the experience and knowledge to get it done right the first time.

To learn more - visit his website at http://attentionthebook.com/