The first thing to know is that there is no such thing as an instant cash payday loan. No legitimate lender can provide such a loan, it isn’t possible and is illegal to promote. That is why you won’t see us saying we can do this. Some lenders or other sources use the words ‘instant cash payday loan’ to fool you. Others refer to their ‘instant’ process which is also misleading.

Instant Cash Payday Loan

The truth is that any legitimate referral source, like CashinaSnap, can process your online application for a payday loan in as little as 30 seconds after you complete the application process which is also quick (usually 2-3 minutes on our site).

How Payday Loan Process Works

Once your application is processed, you will be connected to a lender who wants to process a loan for you, or you will find out your application has been determined to fall short of approval quality. Our strong group of lenders generally accepts more than 70% of our applications as qualified for a loan.

If you are approved, your loan fees and terms of repayment will be detailed by your lender directly to you from an initial phone call to you. All lenders should explain your loan terms and fees and answer any questions you may have about the loan. You are never obligated to accept a loan offer from a lender. If you feel uncomfortable about the terms or repayment of the loan, then you should not accept the loan offer. After you are approved and agree to a payday loan, it is typically 1 business day before funds are in your bank account.

Payday Loans for Financial Emergencies

Payday loans, or instant cash payday loans as they may be called, are a good solution for emergency situations. Before you decide to apply, be sure to understand the benefits vs. repayment fees. Be sure you will not default on your loan.

If you have concerns about payday loans or understanding what an instant cash payday loan really is all about, then read some of the articles on our CashinaSnap website.

If you don’t have credit cards or you can’t get a traditional loan to handle a financial emergency, fill out our application form to apply for payday loans. We can connect you to our array of reputable lenders in seconds after you complete your application.


Author's Bio: 

Kimmy Burgess is the Manager of Cash in a Snap, which helps clients get connected to its large network of reputed lenders to get a no fax payday cash advance when they need it. Kimmy has over 20+ years’ experience in Administrative Management, with many years in the lending industry. Her expertise includes customer service, client services and other functions in the payday lending business. She has also spent time in the mortgage industry prior to her move into the payday lending field. Kimmy has a number of pets including cats, birds, and a Chinese water dragon.