Installment loans are just another kind of payday loans. The loans are provided on a promissory note that you will be paying the borrowed amount of money within a specified period of time with the specified interest rate and processing fees (if any). So if you are in any financial problem which needs an immediate attention, just go nowhere and find an online solution by searching the lending institutions or financers who facilitate the loan process via installment planning.

The basic criteria while applying for such a loan is as follows:

1. You must be a citizen of UK
2. Be above 18 years of age
3. Be fulltime employed
4. Earning more than £1000 per month
5. Have a current bank account for three months old

If all the above criteria applies to you then just go the financial advisor or a counselor who may suggest you further options (as required wrt the financial issue you are facing). Once decided, just apply for it. This is a fast procedure and required no paper work. This kind of loan doesn’t go for your credit history details and no verification details. All it needs is the repayment capacity of personnel. So if you are a permanent employee or you have a constant source of income you may get this loan within an hour to the duration of a day. It doesn’t require any guarantor or a signor and hence the information remains totally private. Now you could get your car repaired or renovation of your house without any issues and without affecting your financial budget too much. The loan amount which is sought in such kind of loans is minimal, if you are looking for a huge amount then this installment loan may not be appropriate solution. The repayment terms varies from 15 days to a month which may be extended to 3 months to a year in some cases. Let not be an addicted person but a wise person to put such loans to your safety and security. The loans are meant to scare away your financial urgency and not to add to your financial troubles. So invest and spend carefully!

Author's Bio: 

Tristan Todd is author of installment loans bad credit If you have any query regarding visit