Free Yourself and So Your Business – Now!
We are now in the 10th month of 2018, do you sense a shift taking place? Ready to free yourself perhaps and allow your business to take off?
In numerology 10 = 1, the number of new beginnings! A moment to enjoy the excitement of the new that appears.
Combine this with the 11 of 2018 and there many 1s in play! Meaning we are being called to release our authentic unique self. Revealing what we have learnt about ourselves this year, particularly in all our relationships.
Balance and Harmony
Perhaps revealing new aspects to even those in the most intimate of your relationships. More though this is going to be about revealing your deeply felt passion, the calling which you have NOT expressed before.
Yes, this will create a conflict between beliefs based on past experience, as recorded by the unconscious mind, and your inner knowing coming from the soul. To this is then added the belief we are expected to act in a certain way rather than follow the uniqueness of our own abilities, gifts and skills.
It is this conflict which creates tension in the body, often causing pain and dis-comfort. The body´s way of sending a message indicating a conflict needs to be resolved.
For the cosmos is indicating: ”be yourself” and you will be amazed by the attraction you create, including clients. By being yourself and what you have discovered about yourself this year, will change your environment.
Perhaps it will be the moment when you decide to reconnect to Source; when you are willing to surrender your resistance...
For it is from that moment your life works!
You Can Change Your Life
Prior to that the soundtrack of your life is set on replay - or at best, shuffle mode. Believing nothing can be changed in your life, rather its patterns are fixed and immutable.
When you act only to move away from the problems you are experiencing, you are still dancing to the same old tune, attracting the same experiences and the same partners.
When you immerse yourself in excitement and joy anticipating a new future, new people come onto the dance floor and suddenly you are moving in ways you did not know you were capable of doing.
If you find yourself at a transition point in your life where you are wondering whether to dance or not, and you like the idea of doing something truly meaningful, rewarding and also profitable, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session with me. Message me to explore possibilities.
To help you make this choice, various themes are present in the week to the new moon in Libra at 03.46 (UTC) on 9th October.
On 30th September Pluto, the planet of power and control went direct. Because it is the furthest planet it is the slowest moving, we feel its impact the most. Hence why you may have felt more somnolent these past few days.
Accepted Your Mission, Now….
For Pluto in Capricorn, ruler of the 10th house in astrology – the house of your divine mission, is awakening your true divine mission in this lifetime. Accessing your deepest inner abilities, gifts and skills - the power of your soul.
A process of discovering new ways to tap into self-control and empowerment has been initiated. This transformation will positively impact the direction of your business or career.
This is not about gaining power over others, rather empowering your soul´s purpose from within. You are being invited to explore who you are at soul level in a deep, passionate and purposeful way.
This in turn adds to the rising transformative power of purposeful business and enterprise on society. It is also questioning the way we view authority figures and the way in which we see power being exercised.
The influence of Jupiter wants each of us to grow, to be more expansive than ever before. Removing the layers that have hidden our calling. It is not the moment to think about retreating into your shell - choosing to be small.
2nd October was a moment for stillness and motion. Being present, to acknowledge peace and accept the ebb and flow of life. The intensity of this paradox allowing dramatic discoveries to be made about self and so providing clarity to help you take the next steps.
Then on the 5th Venus goes retrograde. This personal planet governs abundance, love, romance and what we value.
Until the retrograde finishes on 16th November, we are guided to evaluate what we love and who we love. In Scorpio, it is evaluating our deep emotional partnerships – whether to continue with them or not.
Venus - Love and Money
For Scorpio is drawing attention to what is most important to each of us. Scorpio knows what we have hidden/obscured in our lives, yet is often of paramount importance to our soul.
Given Scorpio´s primary concern is with the uses, abuses and dis-connecting from collective wealth and power, it requires each of us to come to terms with personal power, self-responsibility and individual stewardship. That way we can act collectively to create redemption through observation without judgement.
The questions for each of us are: “What does my life have to say about what is most important to me?”, “What do I need to clear away from me?”
As Venus is opposite Uranus, this means this phase will go very deep – change and shifts will be made. It will also question how we feel attractive and what attracts us, who we value and what we value. What makes you feel abundant, do your surroundings make you feel abundant or…?
Venus is also connected to resources, so a moment to review how you are using them. Which includes contracts made – being retrograde means it is NOT a good period to initiate a new contract.
The first 20 days of this retrograde are about letting go, not for fresh starts! This will be something we have relied upon, a framework, a set of beliefs, or a perception which identified what we have relied on. Especially to create our material wealth.
The Venus influence also provides a “Watch this Space” moment as there will be a sharp expansion in your creativity to apply in your business, career and life!
2019 = Enlightenment
The results will be visible later this year, and creating a sound platform for 2019.
Which in itself has a huge intensification of planetary alignments that has not occurred in the last 500 years.
As a result, 2019 is going to be the year of giant strides.
As a universal 12 year, it has at its core higher learning that is facilitated through having FUN! Playing with your discoveries, being creatively engaged, sharing your ideas and messages with delight.
For enlightenment is one of the key themes for 2019.
One Spirit Work
Our next Discovering the Inner Realms…a Journey into Shamanism is on 27th and 28th October. The weekend before, 19th to 21st October we have Working with Energy. It will empower you to understand, receive and give energy. So enabling you to integrate energy work within your daily practice as well as cultivate and use your intuition.
A full list of our events can be found on Shamanics in Portugal´s Facebook page as well as web site -
Bring Your Vision Within
The month of October is about acquiring great strength, looking for solutions by expanding your perceptions. Focus on the insights that appear, bring balance within you, be in the flow. Express yourself in any form you feel appropriate.
As each of us is creating a new vision for our life, my guidance is to set aside regular space to create and embody it.
Whenever you consciously bring your new vision into your awareness, allow yourself to feel excitement and appreciation as you connect with that new version of your life.
Leave prompts to steer your thoughts towards that new life: a screensaver, a photo, an object that represents success to you.
Then the new moon rises on 9th October. In Libra it will feel like a full moon with its surge of love.
To Being Yourself
Blessings to all
Shamanic coach, Speaker and Author selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony: A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life.
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P.S. If you like what you read, share it with someone it may help, comment on it, and let me know what you think.
Gregory Reece-Smith MBA is the #1 best-selling author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony ( He helps executives, business owners and their families overcome the mental fog created by burn out, stress and decision making fatigue.
Instead to believe in themselves, their dream of what they know they can achieve. Moving beyond what others have said was out of reach.
Rather to create and live the destiny of freedom and flexible success they desire. He does this through shamanic and energetic practices to shift the beliefs that limit their lives and thus their world around them.
It is coaching others to create a life beyond what they had previously thought possible that brings Gregory joy. The clarity of which only became apparent when he read Ted McGrath´s foreword to The Seven Secrets - “Gregory Reece-Smith is a great transformational leader serving the planet. His insights are simple, yet powerful….he also has the compassion and heart of a true leader.
As you go on this journey with Gregory, you will discover new insights and awakenings about yourself, and you will come full circle to unleash your purpose here on earth…”
For the outsider often sees what we cannot from the inside.
It is coaching others to create a life beyond what they had previously thought possible that brings Gregory joy.
He has helped transform the lives of thousands of individuals as well as organisations, from fledglings to the international operations of IKEA. His blog can be found at:
When not helping executives, entrepreneurs and their families move beyond burn outs and mental fog to become super heroes, you can find him sitting on the terrace conversing with visitors as they enjoy the ever changing view of Serra da Estrela (the highest mountain in Portugal), tending the vegetables or taking a country walk with his wife.
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