One of the enemies from within that can stop your progress and success is indifference. In “Wings To Fly” I look at the disease that is indifference. Indifference occurs because people don’t think that something matters. That is certainly true of many things. Yet when you start having an indifferent attitude you will risk missing great opportunities for improvement and success.

Here’s the truth. Indifference, about those things that matter in business and life, never leads to good results. People are indifferent without even knowing it. When something bad happens or something breaks down they will say that they were too busy or too focused or some other reason for being indifferent.

Other directed and Outer directed you really have no control over. You experience them. Yet how you experience them is determined by your Inner direction.

Yet the cost in terms of time and energy from being indifferent adds up very quickly. I have found, as have others that when using the phrases, “I just didn’t realize” or “I just didn’t understand” very often I have been practicing indifference.

If you don’t take the time to be a keen observer. If you don’t take the time to truly listen. Then you are allowing problems that are easily solvable to become very complicated, time consuming and costly to fix.

Indifference is the enemy of prevention and solutions. Something doesn’t sound right with your car. You don’t get it checked out. You are indifferent until you find out that if you had just checked the oil that you wouldn’t have had to replace the engine. You must take action to counter indifference to prevent the small problems from becoming big ones.

Indifference is a disease. Destroy indifference before it consumes you. Be proactive. Take action. You can’t have a “ho hum” attitude and let things slide. That’s just drifting along.

Eliminate indifference and stay on course. You can’t drift your way to the top of the mountain.

In “Wings To Fly” you will find daily insights into a variety of topics from indifference, to luck, to attitude, to relationships, to attitude, to confidence, to self-esteem, to productivity and making better decisions, to name a few, in creating your own path to take your life to a higher level.

Act now and purchase your copy of Wings To Fly to begin your daily lift off to soar to greater heights and a better you! Destroy indifference!

Author's Bio: 

Steve Scott is a personal business coach, author, and speaker.An entrepreneur for most of his career, his experience includes, retail, service, manufacturing and international. He brings a diverse background and experience to his clients which run the spectrum from individuals to small business to large corporations.

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