More people are using social network sites than ever before and it is therefore becoming more difficult to be heard above the 'noise' of other participants. For many using social networking as vehicle to deliver their marketing message this can be a real problem. So how can a person increase their own social influence at these heavily congested online communities? They will need to become better at learning how to 'socialize with a presence' when dealing with many people.

Here are 3 tips on how to increase your social influence at these online communities when there are several others competing just to be heard themselves.

Listen & Contribute

Listen to the discussions going on, and I mean really listen and not just wait for an opportunity to say something. By tuning in on conversations it is easier for you to join in because you will be contributing further to an ongoing discussion that participants find interesting. Your comments will be more readily accepted and participants will be more inclined to listen to you. Now it is simply up to you to have something worthwhile to say and to show you have been following the discussion. The 'respect' you demonstrate by not changing the subject will help to increase your social influence with the other participants.

'Invite' Others to Join In

When you do have the opportunity to speak try to make everybody feel 'included' by asking for opinions or comments from others. Now you are 'engaging' the other participants more fully and they will be more inclined to listen to what you say. What you are also accomplishing is in a very subtle way is you are now in full control of your listening audience.

Make 'Unique' Contributions

When you have something to say make it unique or insightful so it will have more of an impact on others. This also demonstrates you have in fact been listening and are willing and able to add value to the ongoing conversation.

What you are doing by participating in this fashion when using social networking sites is capturing the attention of many others. They now view you more as a contributor and not someone 'interfering' with their conversations. They consider you more a friend and are now accepting you.

With more people using social network sites it is becoming harder to simply be heard let alone have your words make an impact. With all the 'noise' created by so many people competing to say something, it is easy to be drowned out. This can be especially troublesome for those using social networking for business and wanting to deliver a marketing message. Well the first key is to not be shy and learn to take the initiative when the opportunity to speak arises. It is the manner in which you listen and deliver your messages that will help boost your social influence. The 3 tips suggested above address just this issue, and if applied, will make you not only a better listener, but also someone others want to listen to as well.

Author's Bio: 

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
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