I have pulled together some of my top tips for creating a better space and will share then with you over the next 3 weeks. I hope you find them useful!

    Minimize or avoid consumption of lead and chlorine when drinking water.
    Did you know the word plumbing comes from the Latin plumbum?

    Plumbum means lead. Copper pipes eliminate most concern over lead intake; however some copper pieces have been welded using lead. Let cold water run for a minute before filling up a pot or tea kettle. This flush will allow sitting minerals and or chemicals to go down the drain. Using hot water right from the tap increases exposure to unhealthy chemicals; it is easier for them to be released in hot water to fill up tea kettles and pots with cool water and warm on the stove. Also, hot water has also been sitting in the hot water heater for awhile and that may not be the cleanest environment to be drinking or cooking from.

    Eat Organic as much as possible
    We all have a toxic load to some degree in our body. Babies born today are testing positive for environmental poisons, pesticides and other chemicals that are transferred from their mothers. Minimizing our intake of environmental poisons and chemicals must be a priority to create a healthier body so as not to have too high of a load where disease and dysfunction can occur.

    One option to accomplishing this is of course to eat fresh, in season, local fruits and vegetables instead of processed or fast foods. The challenges we face in this day and age are foods with pesticides and genetically modified crops so heavily sold in our grocery stores. Some fruits and vegetables are not sprayed and/or have fewer pesticides used on them. If shopping organic is hard on your budget you can get away with purchasing non organic on some foods. If you need the ever popular “Dirty Dozen” top pesticide list you can view it here. Get familiar with your local farmers as they are right there to answer any questions you may have and often times are less expensive then the grocery stores.

    Spend some time every day on the positive and with positive people
    The world we live in can seem so dark at times. I believe most human beings are good. Take a news vacation for a week or two. Have you ever not watched any news or read any newspapers just for one month for energy healing? It is amazing once you begin to watch the news again how easy it is to see the negative base. The same negative stories will be played hour after hour. A positive story makes it in now and then which makes it easy to end up feeling like the world is a horrible place. It’s not. We all know that there is someone in the world who has it a lot tougher than us right now, so we need to put effort in staying on the positive tip of life and not get sucked into the darkness. Spend some time with positive people. Take inventory on the energy levels of those around you, including yourself and make adjustments where needed to create a better space for yourself. Don't depend on others support or feedback. You have to create it for yourself first, if it comes in through others that is the "cherry on top".

    Don’t use Caffeine as a Drug
    It can be unhealthy if not used in moderation. We don’t need science to tell us this, we know. It can also keep you up at night if you drink it after 2 or 3 PM. Check your caffeine patterns if you are not sleeping well. It does increase adrenal activity, makes the heart work harder. Be a smart caffeine drinker and drink it purposefully!

    Clean out Your Sinus with a Neti Pot
    The key to the Neti Pot is to use it when you are not sick. It should not be used when you are sick. Prevention is key here. Cleaning out your sinus cavities weekly can help you avoid pollen and pollutant build up. The key is to remember to use it. I have taken a pledge to myself to use a Neti Pot weekly no excuses since my last run in with a sinus infection. It is so easy not to take optimal care of yourself when you are not sick!
    You can view a great video on using a Neti Pot here.

I look forward to bringing you part 2 and 3 of this series in the following weeks.

Organically Yours,
Renay Matthews

Renay Matthews is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, Nutritionist and Reiki III Practitioner practicing in Southern California. You can reach her at www.organeewellness.com or practitioner@organeewellness.com

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