Somewhere along the way, we picked up the belief “I can’t do it”. It might have come from someone (parent, friend, teacher, whoever) or internally from ourselves. We may have had an idea to do something, accomplish some goal and somebody (perhaps ourselves) said, “Ohhh, you can’t do that”. Maybe, in our mind we started to think about all the steps and tasks that would be involved. Then we thought how we’re really not qualified to do certain things that would be required. Heck, for some of the things, we don’t even know how we would overcome some obstacles. In no time flat we can build a list of “Why Not’s” that’s longer than my leg and we come to the conclusion that “What’s the use in trying, I can’t do that”.

Do you want to try something? Great. Just for fun, let’s act like we’re 5 years old and…PRETEND. Just for a minute or two let’s pretend.

What if I told you that “YOU CAN DO IT”? In fact, let’s take it a step further and pretend that it would be Impossible For You To Fail. That if you put in the effort your success would be guaranteed. YOU CAN’T FAIL. Now, most importantly, what if you didn’t know any better and just blindly accepted this fact and BELIEVED me? And what if you then operated from that core belief and held it so tightly to your heart that if someone even jokingly questioned whether you could succeed that it would lead to a fistfight whereby you pummel them?

So, what then would happen if you truly believed that you couldn’t fail (it’s impossible remember) and just went about your life under that belief. Let’s say an idea (to pursue a project, start a business, follow your dream) popped into your head? And instead of thinking about the negatives and challenges that you probably can’t overcome you instantly say, “That’s a great idea. I can do it”. And with these fantastic, positive thoughts you then attack and pursue that goal.

So, if you did that – how would that change and impact your life?

Wouldn’t you feel so empowered? You bet. You would be an unstoppable force. Rather than second guessing yourself and having feelings of anxiety, you would have a sense of freedom. Would this change you life upside down?

What if you knew with 100% certainty that you possess all the skills, talents and determination to succeed. Would you attempt things you otherwise wouldn’t? Would you walk a little taller, a little more confidently? Would that freedom from senseless and useless worry allow you to breath a little lighter? Would you enjoy living life?

This is the power of merely changing your thoughts and beliefs. The power is already inside you. God has given you all the gifts and talents and abilities that you could possibly need. And don’t even try to tell me that HE didn’t. He doesn’t make garbage. Just believe. You can do it. With God, you can do anything.

Somewhere in the past we bought into and accepted certain limitations about ourselves and our capabilities. We bought into these lies and now they’re so engrained in our subconscious mind that these beliefs work automatically. We hold our God-given talents in chains because of some failure we or someone else had in the past.

Believe me when I tell you that your abilities are LIMITLESS. We are only limited by the beliefs that we choose to accept. We think we “can’t” so we “don’t”. If we think we “can” we “do”. T. Harv Eker wrote that “If a hundred-foot oak tree had a mind of a human, it would only grow to be ten feet tall”

Now obviously people will hit challenges and perhaps fail. However, even if you fail, you’re in so much better of a position than if you did nothing. Failure is merely feedback. Correct course.

That said. Humor me for 30 days. Better yet, humor yourself. Pretend. I want you to operate and act as if failure is an impossibility. You can’t fail, remember. All you do is succeed. Have fun with it.

Always remember, you own your mind. It’s yours. It’s a tool that you use. So, have it work for you (not against you)…towards the things that you want to do and accomplish. Don’t be takin any lip from your mind. Put it in check. If need be, pull down it’s pants and give it a good spanking.

talk real soon,


Author's Bio: 

Ron Kawatsky is a personal growth and spiritual development expert focusing in the areas of faith and belief, positive thinking, awareness and success skills.