The relationship between two romantically linked partners or life partners shouldn’t be taken for granted. And often this is exactly what happens because two people have been together for a long period. Almost all relationships begin this way when two people can’t keep their hands off of each other and love almost everything about them. But with time, it can get boring and you may crave extra space away from each other. But there are ways in which you can get more connected with your partner. How to achieve 100% connectivity with your partner? Read on.

Appreciate one another

Show each other that you are grateful to have found them. This doesn’t have to be done in a servile manner. There are ways by which you can show your appreciation. Tell them you love them as much as you can and complement them on small things. Notes and flowers aren’t a huge gesture, but they never fail to bring a smile on your partner’s face. This is worth it if it helps your relationship.

Find ways to get each other’s attention

You must always be in your partner’s eye. Be in their attention. Again, this doesn’t mean that you constantly nag them for attention. Space is good but eye contact is better. Even if you aren’t physically close, be around each other at times, making eye contact. Those secret smiles and silent communication make the bond stronger. A lot of eye contact can make partners feel a burst of the happy hormone. This can have a long-lasting effect.

Be playful

Be adventurous and playful. If your partner likes any game or sport or a cult movie, then surprise them by taking interest in that. Learn trivia about it and show what you have learnt. They will love the fact you made an effort to checkout something they like, even if it is quirky. Moreover, you can also explore a hobby or travel together. Try new things and places. This is one of the best answers on how to have a stable relationship.

Find their love language

Many relationship guides talk about the common 5 love languages. These languages tell you the ways in which your partner wants to feel loved. Sometimes they may like being showered by gifts, others may prefer spending time together as a couple. Thus, it is crucial that you understand your partner’s love language. It could be as simple as doing something for them, like cooking dinner. That way your partner will feel more understood and closer to you.

Be spontaneous

The brain can learn to not respond to repetitive stimulation. So, try new things with your partner. Be spontaneous in doing things and don’t plan too much. Few surprises can also make your partner feel loved and appreciated.

Try things sexually

Do try something new in your sex life. Sleep naked together as it can bring you closer physically and make things more intimate. Also, this can lead to better sexual encounters between you. Role-play and dress-up can bring the much-needed spice as you explore the kinky sides of each other. This is often a good way to revive a dried-up relationship.

Connect or check-in each day

Keep being connected with your partner. Talk to each other every day, share good news or something that is troubling you at work. Check-in with each other daily, even if you both work full-time jobs and have to be out of the shared home daily. You can drop short messages during lunch time to tell them that you are thinking of them. This is an instant mood lifter.

Be together without using the phone

Spend time with each other but without using electronic. Often couples are sitting on the same couch but not talking as they are busy messaging or going through online portals. This is because now we are always connected with each other in the virtual world and don’t pay enough attention to people physically closer to us.

These are the ways by which you can improve your long-term relationship and maintain strong bonds with your partner.

Author's Bio: 

I enjoy writing on various niche like dating, romance, travel and issues related to women.