It is essential that you discipline your children in a way that educates responsibility, enhance self-esteem and let them feel they are love. If your children are controlled in this manner, there is no need for them to turn on drugs, sex, or gangs just to feel they belong.

Here are some of the important parenting tips needed to give your children a sense of security and social well being.

• Make use of the genuine encounter moments (GEMS). Your children self-esteem is influenced by the quality of time you spend and not how long you spend with them. In today's busy lives instead of thinking about what is the next thing you need to do, you must focus your thought on what children are trying to tell. Most parents pretend to ignore or listen to their child's attempt to communicate. If you don't give your child moments of parenting throughout the day, your child will usually start to behave strangely. Negative interest in a child's conscious is better than left unnoticed.

• Use more action and not words. It is not a good parenting strategy to nag or yell at your child every time they make mistake. It will not make your child follow what you want them to do. Instead show them how to do it and let them see the consequence if they will not follow what you say. Remember actions speak louder than words.

• Provide your children the right method to feel authority. If you were not able to do it, they will find the wrong methods to feel their strength. To make them feel authoritative and important you can ask their advice, let your child help you on some chores, give them choices, and help you shop or cook all or part of a meal. Your 2 year old may wash vegetable, put silverware away or wash plastic dishes. You often do the job for them since you can do it with less hassle, but the outcome is they feel insignificant.

• Make use of natural consequences. Question yourself what will happen if you will not get in the way in this situation? If you interfere when you don't need to, you take away the children's opportunity to learn from the result of your child’s actions. By letting outcomes to do the talking, you avoid disturbing the relationship by reminding or nagging too much. Like if your child forgot her lunch box, there is no need for you to bring it to her. Let her find the solution and know the essentials of remembering.

• Make use of the logical consequences. Most of the time outcomes are far in the future to use natural consequences. If this is the case, logical outcomes are effective. The result for your child should be logically connected to the manners in order for it to be effective. Like if your child forgot to return the video and ground him for a week, it will only result in resentment. But, if you return the video, let him suffer the consequences by deducting amount from the allowance. Let him work off the money owed, soon your child can see the logic to your actions.

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Janna contributes to many free article directories and is a paid staff writer for, where you can find articles on subjects ranging from wood file cabinets to stackable storage bins. You may republish this article free of charge, anywhere online, as long as all keyword links are left intact.