Competition is an integral part of wholesale business sphere. Your success depends upon how you beat the competition It is necessary for you to stand out of crowd and communicate your point of differences. The point of differences must describe your “mission & vision statements” that how you are better than others and why people should buy from you? Is there anything about your business that sets you apart from your competitors? Whether it is a unique product or a service that is your competitive edge over your competitors or not?

It is not necessary that you must have countless “Point of Differences” to shine out but a single yet strong “Unique Selling Proposition” (USP) can do a great job. Several wholesalers consider, it is tough to be in competition but this article will describe how you can be successful in staying ahead of your competition.

Competitive Analysis:

Every wholesaler thinks that he offers a unique and a special product but what if your customers do not know about it? Certainly you did not communicate about your offer. If you are a wholesaler and want to differentiate your business from your competitors, sit, think and decide:

• What sets you apart from all of your competitors?
• What makes you unique?
• What you sell that makes you entirely different from others?
• Do you have some services to offer, to create this difference?

You need to conduct a complete competitive analysis of your wholesale business from your customers’ point of view. Now look at your competitor’s business and determine how specifically they meet the needs of customers. Identify your customers’ needs in a better and different way than your competitors do.

Major points of differentiation where you can develop a competitive edge over your competitor include: price, advertisement, selection of communication channels, superior customer services, performance, product availability, product performance and in-time delivery. The purpose to identify all these points of differences means to develop a Unique Selling Proposition (USP).

Unique Selling Proposition:
USP is a clear, concise and unique message about what you offer. It is used to develop a unique identity for your business that helps you in positioning your company as the most appropriate choice in the market. A compelling USP can dramatically improve the position of your company and its offers. Once you attain a position in the market that you wanted to gain, people would certainly prefer to buy from you.

The essence of USP is that it builds trust between customers and the business and due to trust, people prefer to come back again and again and purchase Wholesale Products from you only. Therefore, USP must be customer- oriented so that they can easily pick the concept. During the competitive analysis, you have determined what the unique needs of your customers are and USP is a message that builds your brand, uniquely fulfills the demand of your customers, attracts new customers and sustains your competitive edge.

After understanding the concept of differentiation or competitive edge, take a notebook and note down how you can differentiate your business from your competitors? How can you communicate your message effectively to your customers? And how can you implement this concept to make your business stand out of competition?

Put all these words into a plan and implement it effectively.

Author's Bio: 

William King is the director of Wholesale, Wholesale Products, Wholesale Clothing and Wholesale Suppliers. He has 18 years of experience in the marketing and trading industries and has been helping retailers and startups with their product sourcing, promotion, marketing and supply chain requirements.