Yes, godly men fought for this country and braved death to establish it's freedom in 1776. But contrary to what many believe, this is not 1776. We hate what we see happening to America--too much "change" that millions unwisely voted for.

Colonel Ammerman (under General Schwarzkopf in Desert Storm) cited unclassified information to say there were a million UN troops in North America, mostly on closed military bases (more than a decade ago, so you might double it).

Department of Defense Confirms Russian Troops To Train On U.S. Soil Although this is the first time Russian troops will train on U.S. soil, soldiers from other nation have done so for more than a decade.

Perhaps this is because they won't hesitate to shoot U.S. citizens when U.S. troops (already having a high suicide rate) might have a problem with that.

"History repeats" and the following parallel should be instructive to us. When Israel failed to honor God as America has, God allowed the Babylonians to take them captive. The prophet, Jeremiah, said, If you resist, you will die, "but he that goes out and falls [surrenders] to the Chaldeans that besiege you, he shall live." Jeremiah 21:9.

Those words were for the people of Jerusalem but they could also be for people living in U.S. cities who may be tempted to resist martial law and the suspension of Constitutional rights. But it's better to surrender those rights and accept the law of bigger guns than to fight and die. This is not about being cowardly; it's about recognizing God's larger plan.

We want to think of America as our land but we failed to keep it as pioneers said. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams. No longer a moral and religious people, we have lost America.

God isn't taken by surprise, and those who seek a biblical solution can have an opportunity for freedom in the kingdom that will parallel what He did in the Exodus. Consider this brief summary:

God's people went to Egypt in a time of famine. Pioneers came to America in a time of famine for the Word of God. Israel prospered in Egypt and Christians prospered in America. But another king came along who knew not Joseph and who enslaved the Israelites. Another king has come along who knew not Jefferson and we are headed into bondage.

God heard Israel's cry and afflicted the land of Egypt. He attacked their gods. They worshiped the Nile River, the basis of their economy, and it turned to blood. Most Americans worship (serve) the dollar, and like the Nile, America's god will fail. God took Israel from calamity in Egypt to a covenant relationship at Sinai and later said, "I am married unto you," Jeremiah 3:14.

Paul included the Exodus when he said, "All those things happened for examples... ends of the world," 1Corinthians 10:1,11, but Christians don't understand. Christ even implied the invitation to the marriage would be scorned and ridiculed, Matthew 22:3-6.

"If you are Christ's, you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise [of land]" Galatians 3:29. When New World Order is set up and you can't buy or sell without being compelled to worship falsely (Revelation 13:15-17), the land of the covenant that God made with Abraham will be the only place for true Christians. Going to Israel is also the context of the New Covenant Promise to write His laws in our hearts, Jeremiah 31:8,10,17,31.

I know it's an awesome thought. That's the last place we might like to go now, but after Zechariah 14:1-3 when God begins to fight against those nations, it will be safe to go, also promised in Ezekiel 36:24-28--"I will take you from among the heathen (America is getting that way!) and gather you out of all countries and will bring you into your own land. THEN (we get a new heart and right spirit without which we will not be ready to meet Christ in the sky)..and you will dwell in the land that I gave your fathers (hint--it's not about America anymore!)

We might not want to go there, but there really isn't any choice because it's the land of the covenant (promised by God to Abraham's seed and "If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise [of land]" Gal 3:29. And when the whole world is under New World Order and can't buy or sell without fall worship (Rev 13:15-17) which will receive the wrath of God (Rev 14:9,10), God will defend His covenant-keeping people in the land of the covenant--Exodus 34:10,11. Paul said those things happened for examples to us at the end of the world, 1Cor 10:1,11

For a better understanding, get Apocalypse 2013: How to Survive the Fall of America at Just $2.99 and you get a valuable bonus, satisfaction guaranteed.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Richard Ruhling is a retired board-certified internist who taught at Loma Linda University. His special interest has been the mine field of Bible prophecy so often misunderstood by rapturists.

His book, Apocalypse 2013, looks at simple statements like "when they say 'Peace and safety,' sudden destruction comes" and we see the government saying that as a pretext to grab guns. It's not what politicians say, but what they do that brings trouble, and Ruhling says, when the fog lifts, we should see the iceberg dead ahead on our Titanic. You can get it at

Ruhling also offers excellent videos and self-help health materials on how to reverse heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and many common problems at