I want my girl back; What's the perfect way to get your girlfriend back after you have broken up? This depends on how and why you broke up in the first place. If you had cheated on her you are looking at a tough challenge to get her back and you may not succeed. If something simpler was the issue you have a good chance at it.

How to make her want me back after a breakup; A complete solution to help you get your ex back into your life is provided at the end of this write-up (Author's Bio), meanwhile let's build the foundation.

Many times a girl really does not want to go through with a break up, but in a fit of anger or frustration that's the way they take. For this reason you have a good chance of getting her back if you play it the right way. If you don't know what to do you could pick up one of the books that teach how to handle these situations.

The thing about having cheated on your girlfriend is that you must overcome trust issues with her. Would you trust her again if she cheated on you? Her lack of trust would be legitimate and you would have to do everything possible in overcoming this if she showed any interest in taking you back.

If you got back together with her you could expect to take awhile to regain her trust if at all, you may be responsible as long as you stay together. But time has a way of healing and as long as you continue to prove yourself, you should make it in the end. But the first time you screw up you could be done for.

One of your best bets is to take advantage of relationship counseling, this way you will get professional help from someone that knows how to handle your situation.

Are you having a bad time in your relationship? Check out this relationship site, it's one of the best at helping save relationships before a breakup and after.

Do you want your ex to come back to you? Discover all it takes to make your ex want you back by visiting this website: How To Get Your Ex Back

Author's Bio: 

Hi, I am Vanessa Moore, a relationship coach specializing in breakups and dating.

On my website you will find the complete guide to bring your ex back to you, here's the link again: How To Make Your Ex Want You Back

Wish you godspeed...