Yep, I know it sounds harsh…

I want your attention, leader!

You have a calling…

A message…

A purpose…

A mission…

And instead of doing it with gusto, you give into fear…

And you go chase money in work you dislike…

And then you tell me and anyone who will listen that you are not motivated by money?!

That you are just being responsible?!


Yes, you are.

You allow money to make you, AND your family, prisoner to a life you do not much like…

You tell yourself that you have to be responsible, that you have to do it…

You tell yourself that it is what it is…

And Again, I call you hypocrite!

People look at you…

They envy you for what you have achieved…

They think you are successful…

You tell yourself that you have done okay…

You tell yourself that to want more would be greedy…

You tell yourself that wanting too much money is evil…

And so you give yourself an out…

You make yourself a victim of circumstances…

You refuse to take responsibility…

For being the leader you are born to be…

Not the one you settle for being because you say ‘I am not motivated by money!’

And yet, every single choice you make is based around how much money you do or do not have right now in this moment…

Tell me, How can you say that money does not control you?!

Of course it does!

You look on with judgement at those who make bad choices with money…

And you still don’t see that you are doing the same thing…



You go to your religious organisation…

You talk about how financial abundance will be taken from the ‘evil’ and given to the ‘good’!

What utter nonsense…

It warms your heart to hear such silly preaching…

And you say ‘yes!’

While refusing to take responsibility for the fact that money controls you much more than it does those ‘evil’ people you despise…

They, at least, see that money is neutral and it will come to anyone who wants it and allows themselves to receive it…

Whereas you, leader, have made a god of money…

It stops you from living out your true calling…

You have made it more important than the mandate on your life!

Leader, wake the heck up!

Stop being hypocritical…

And I know you did it becasuse you did not know any better…

Well, now you do!

Take back responsibility for your life…

Take back control over your calling…

You have a message – DELIVER IT!

Teach, coach, counsel, speak, inspire, heal…

Do the work you are born to do…

Stop letting an inanimate object stop you!

Instead allow yourself to receive as much wealth as possible…

Stop putting the brakes on due to your crazy hangups…

Use money to improve your life, your family’s life and that of your community!

You are born to win!


Learn what you need to learn to WIN!

Spirit waits for you to wake up!

Your PEOPLE wait to hear from you!

Join me in this quick affirmation

“Spirit, You Are Welcome in my heart! Please, shine a light on my dark places. I choose to be free and walk in the light.  I choose to serve many people with my gifts, talents, calling and I choose to step fully into the financial abundance that results.”

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to!

PS – the Spiritual Entrepreneur Success Accelerator Workshops start on Saturday!

Leader, you need them.

Get over your hangups and allow yourself to make money doing ONLY what you love and what you are created to do…

fulfil your calling and the mandate on your life without all the people-pleasing and victim mentality that has dogged you to date…

I know it is hard to see it when you are leader in a small capacity already…

But your heart tells you that it is time for freedom…

I can help you.

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online