This article is written for Christian marriages. God established marriage and God designed marriage and marriage was created for God’s purpose. We ought to manage our marriage His way, don’t you think?
A Christian Marriage Must Have God at the Forefront!
If you want to have a happy marriage then don’t treat your marriage like everyone else does. Love in society is not the same kind of love that Jesus taught! If a husband doesn’t love his wife properly, in the ways taught by Christ, she in turn will not love (submit to) her husband.
Societies view of love has turned marriage upside down. This is the basis for most, if not all, marriage problems. A Christian marriage must be managed with God at the forefront! We must go back to the teachings of Christ on what love is and then base our marriage on that kind of love.
True Christians should not be a part of the worldly culture of society because they bring the rebellious views back into their own lives. This is where all of the confusion on the submission thing has gone awry within the Christian community. Even some of the Christian churches have got it wrong and this in turn makes everyone blind to the truth.
How Is A Husband Instructed To Love His Wife?
The bible explains in great detail how a man is to love his wife. His wife should be of prime importance to him, over his career, his children, his hobbies, his friends, and himself. A Christ led man will put his wife first over himself. This is how a husband is to love his wife.
“So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.” (Ephesians 5:28)
What kind of a husband would have a hard time loving his wife in the way Christ instructs him to? A husband who needs inner healing, has not acknowledged Jesus Christ, and is not filled with the Spirit of Christ.
Jesus says that a man who loves himself will love his wife. What kind of a man loveth himself? A man who loves himself has subjected himself to Christ, and acknowledged Jesus Christ as his Savior. He is a man that is filled with the Spirit of Christ. This kind of man has made his wife the queen in his home because he is overflowing with Christ’s love and blessings.
When a man loves his wife, in the ways taught by Christ she will not have a problem submitting to his headship position. Do you see how that works? The bible instructs wives to be subject to their husbands as the church (true worshipers) is subject to Jesus Christ. God knows who the true worshipers are. God knows our hearts and minds better than we do. (John 4:23-24)
How Is A Wife Instructed To Submit?
“Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands, in everything.” (Ephesians 5:24)
This verse can stir up confusion. There are many churches that are not subject to Jesus Christ, even Christian churches. So what is “the church”? The church is not a church building. God’s true worshipers are “the church”. They are those who worship in Spirit and in truth. (John 4:23-24)
The church is within you. The church is in your heart and in your mind. Every day you take the church with you, wherever you go, so make sure you are being a good example for Christ. You’re working for Christ in your marriage, at your job, with your friends, and in your lifestyle. Are you being a good example?
If we profess to be Christ Ones than we are subject to Jesus Christ and His instruction. Christian husbands who want to have a blessed marriage are subject unto Christ first and foremost! There is no other way! If a husband subjects his own life to Christ then he will love his wife properly, in the ways taught by Christ, and the wife will submit (love) to her husband. It works both ways!
God’s design, purpose, and husband and wife roles for marriage won’t work if the Christian husband is not participating. The wife will feel like a doormat, just like what is often referred to as what submission is today in society. NOT! Submission is not being a doormat. Submission is loving God with all of your heart, mind, and soul. In return Christ blesses you with the freedom to love your spouse properly.
A Christian man who puts God first loves himself and loves his wife. And a Christian woman who puts God first will love herself and will be free to submit to her husband. If you are not loving your spouse in the proper ways now, maybe you ought to review your faith and ask Christ to help you with freeing the demons within you and healing your soul.
“Husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself up for it.” (Ephesians 5:25) Bottom line is Jesus suffered and died for our sins and that is the way Christ wants a husband to love his wife.
“Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. (Ephesians 5:33)
How To Love The Man You Married
How To Love The Woman You Married
God's way!
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