Boredom is defined as an emotional state experienced when you’re not doing anything or when you’re losing grip on your interest in your job. Bored people still go to work, but it’s always just for the sake of working. They do their duties too, but it’s always mediocre and never beyond what’s expected.

This emotional condition is worsened if you feel that you’re stuck in a rut doing the same thing every day of your life. Receptionists are not spared from the debilitating effects of boredom, considering that you stay behind a desk most of the time and are deprived of the chance to do something active. Chances are you always cry yourself to sleep every night because there’s work the day after. Or you’re dying to look for a more challenging job. That’s pitiful!

Effective Boredom Busters for a Live Receptionist

It’s not the end of the world yet, my friend. If your boredom is still tolerable, you might as well consider the following ways to help you regain your interest in what you do:

Stop being negative. Happiness is a state of mind, so the very thing that you have to do to be happy in your job is to avoid negativity. Do you often hang out with your workmates and grumble about your boss and how much you hate the place? Tell you what, that doesn’t help at all. It just introduces you to a more depressing situation. Avoid all the negative vibes around you such as the constant whining of the person next to you; you’ll see after a few days, you’ll feel so much better.

Be friendly. Having friends at work can make you like your job all the more. You feel like going to work not only because it’s an obligation, but because you have some people to see and chat with during break time. But, they have to be friends who are not company-bashers and whiners (remember avoiding negativity?). They are influential to you as a person and as a worker. Make friends and develop bonds with people at work; they’ll surely make you feel better and help you bring out the best in you.

Do your job well. One commonality among job-haters is their lousy performance in their tasks. It’s true, and it happens very often. There might be other reasons why they do poorly, but the thing is, if you strive to exert your best efforts at work, your attitude and feelings toward your job will also change positively.

Be inspired. For some, it might mean a perfect vacation or a new phone in the future… sort of compensation for all the seemingly endless days at work. But getting inspired doesn’t have to be materialistic at all times. If your purpose is to become happy with your job, why not ask your boss about your work performance? But of course, you have to make sure that you’ve been doing a great job at work; otherwise, you’ll just get a dose of your own medicine if you’re told up front about your incompetence. Word of advice: do better and double your motivation!

Choose to be happy. “Smile when it hurts most.” This can be a good suggestion, but perhaps a very difficult thing to do. Happiness is not achieved in a sec, but deciding to have a happy disposition can be a great start. If you’re happy, you’ll be less likely to throw your alarm clock when it wakes you up for work on a Monday morning. It might even make you love your job big time.

There. Consider these things before you go search for another job. Remember, there are no boring jobs, only bored people. How you perform your task as a receptionist is a product of how you think. Think positively and be happy. Ultimately, you’ll realize that people around you reflect the same thing.

Author's Bio: 

Arthur Markham is an advocate for the receptionist profession. He writes articles on stress and career management for the said profession.