Okay, so the world record for nonstop pushups is 10,507 so I'm not going to show you how to do them all at once. But I am going to show you how to squeeze in 36,500 pushups this year without even going to the gym a single time. In fact you can do more if you want, and even make it 100,000 + without much more effort!

A while back, I was cooking something in the microwave and as I was standing there watching the time tick away, I began to think about what I could accomplish in one minute. It's pretty incredible what you can actually do when you think about it, but being an article about pushups, I'll talk about exercises. Think about how many times you pop something in the microwave for 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes or more and just stand around waiting for whatever it is you're about to consume to finish cooking. Let's just say on average it's 5 minutes per day....Minute here....Minute there. 5 Minutes x 365 days per year = 1,825 minutes per year that you could use for exercise.

So let's just imagine that you popped something in the microwave for 1 minute and hit the deck and gave yourself 20 pushups. It would take you less than 1 minute to do them, would help to burn the calories that you're about to consume and would add up to 100 pushups each day if you did that 5 times per day. That's 36,500 pushups this year! Trust me when I tell you that the difference in how you look and feel if you only do this one thing will amaze you.

Now it doesn't have to be pushups. You could do body weight squats, lunges, jumping jacks, sit-ups or whatever else you wanted to do. You can find a ton of fast exercise ideas at http://LifeTrax.com but the fact remains that if just 5 times per day you do 20 reps of an exercise, that adds up to 36,500 pushups per year. Do 20 pushups, 10 times per day for 1 year and you'll do 73,000. Do 20 pushups, 15 times each day and you will have done 109,500 pushups by this day next year and it will not take more than 1 minute at a time!

Next time you pop something in the microwave, go to put your shoes on, finish going to the bathroom (Use the sink if the floor is dirty), get to a commercial break, or get put on hold etc....drop and give yourself 20 and I bet you'll get addicted to the act of doing quick exercise snaps for huge gains in your strength and weight loss.

Author's Bio: 

Tom Anderson Is A Highly Energetic Speaker, Writer And Entrepreneur. His Passion Comes From Helping Others To Reach Beyond Their Self Imposed Limits Of Success And Encouraging Them To Break Through The Barriers That Hold Them Back. He Is Creative Director And Visionairy Behind http://LifeTrax.com And http://LifeTraxProducts.com Which Are Designed To Help People Around The World Live More Fullfilling Lives By Accomplishing Their Goals, Feeling Better And Being More Successful.