Imagine that you believe that you won't be successful because you weren't fortunate enough to get into the school of your dreams. Without a doubt this thought, if left unchecked, will end up ruling your mind, your decisions, goals, aspirations and behavior.

False beliefs without a doubt, hinder any progress that you want to achieve. Limiting thoughts about ourselves, about what we can achieve and do in our lives end up turning into a self-imposed prison sentence without the possibility of parole.

The problem is, although these beliefs may be wrong we somehow accept them as truths.

What Do You Choose To Accept?

Limiting beliefs are like a noose that's being pulled tighter and tighter around your neck. It starts cutting off your circulation and pretty soon you're knocked out.

Here's the best advice: learn to let go. Seriously. Realize that your beliefs determine your expectations, and therefore they determine the results that you obtain in life. You can always choose what you believe or question what you assume to be reality.

But, how do limiting beliefs control our destiny, where do they come from?

  • If I couldn't get into the school I dreamed about
  • Then I won't be successful
  • Therefore I won't even bother making an effort studying anywhere else and I'll probably end up working at the nickel and dime store around the corner.

We all choose our behaviors based on what we think will happen to us as a result. The information that we gather however may be incomplete and this leads us disastrous behaviors that are at the root of many of the problems that we experience.

Perhaps the school of your dreams turns out to be a nightmare, maybe you'll wind up having to get into heavy debt and paying off your education for the rest of your life, you could be fantastically successful at another school. The point is, without enough information you can't really be sure that what you think will happen, will really happen or that you can make lemonade out of whatever lemons are handed to you.

Realize that not all of your interpretations are anchored in fact, this means that if you can take a step back and see the BIG picture you can then change the stories you tell yourself. By doing so, your mind will be focused on successful thoughts and not falsehoods.

Many people allow their limiting beliefs to govern their worlds. This prevents growth and progress even at the most basic level. They avoid doing new things and feeling new emotions, exploring other places, living life. They miss the point of what it means to be human: to be and learn while we're here.

Question all of your beliefs. Don't accept them without asking yourself if they are valid, if they are really true or just the fiction of your mind. Remember, you will always be what you believe to be. If your belief is of success, then you will be successful. As the old saying goes whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.

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