The reason why so many people struggle to find the motivation to exercise and eat healthy is because they do not have a specific goal in mind. If you want to be successful, then you have to know what exactly you want to achieve. The more specific you goal is the better, you can even write down your goal on paper.

How to get back in shape and burn stored body fat

Getting in shape and burning stored body fat is a hard and difficult process. It takes hard work and nothing happens overnight. The first step is often the hardest step. You have to accept the way you look. Take a look at yourself in the mirror and take measurements if you want to. Then you visualize how you want to look and mold yourself to that ideal. You can put a picture, of someone who has an ideal body, to somewhere where you can see it every day. It is even better if you take a picture of yourself and put it next to it. This method has helped a lot of people find the extra motivation.

When you just don't feel like exercising or you really want that extra piece of apple pie then call up the mental image you have in your mind. Also make short-term goals for yourself. A fat loss program without clear and focused goals is like a ship without it[ rudder. Set a course and go towards it. See the end result in your mind's eye.

The only constant in life is change. Every little thing you do either moves you closer to your goal or away from it. Leave your former lifestyle behind and start a new one. It is not as hard as you think it is. The first step is always the hardest one but once you have done it, the next steps are much easier.

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