Article Title: How to Follow your Wildest Dreams through Faith
(from Inspirational Books - Updated)
Submitted by Craig Lock
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"We share what we know, so that others may grow."

How to Follow your Wildest Dreams through Faith
(from Inspirational Books)

"If you believe you can, and believe it strongly enough, you'll be
amazed at what you can do."
- Nido Qubein

"Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around."
-- Henry David Thoreau

"The depth of your belief and the strength of your conviction
determines the power of your personality."
-- Brian Tracy

Submitter's Note:
The submitter has been studying and researching the overlap between the mind the spiritual, the blend between psychology and theology for some time. This article (in which I have included some quotes from others on the power of faith) was extracted from my notes on reading the most inspiring book 'A GUIDE TO CONFIDENT LIVING' by Dr Norman Vincent Peale (author of the Power of Positive Thinking), who did so much ground-breaking work in this fascinating field. Thank you sincerely, Dr Peale for sharing your insights and wisdom in encouraging me through your words down my 'untrodden path'; but most of all, for serving as a vessel to illuminate God's unlimited love for ALL of us, His children.
- craig
Only faith is stronger than fear. What is the technique for developing faith? It is to affirm the positive faith. Faith begins as a thin trickle across the mind. Repeated it becomes habitual.

Fear can never defeat faith.
Rid yourself of the thoughts that are poisoning your mind. THINK your way to success and happiness. Keep your mind free from confusion and all the creative ideas you need will be yours.

A man is what he thinks. "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he." As a man thinks habitually in his conscious and subconscious mind, that is what he becomes. Marcus Aurelius: "Our life is what our thoughts make of it." The famous American philosopher, RW Emerson: "A man is what he thinks about all day long.

Here's a great philosophy for you:
Trust God, work hard, put your business in God's hands, and serve people.

Scientist Alexis Carrel: "The most powerful form of energy one can generate is prayer. Prayer, like radium is a luminous and self generating form of energy."
We get what we need by:
1. work
2. thought
3. by prayer

Jesse Owens, the famous black American sprinter in the thirties was born into an extremely poor, yet very loving family. Jesse was a frail, not at all rugged and skinny kid. His mother, a devout Christian, was a very positive person, who constantly encouraged her son to "become somebody".
"But I'm just little and black."
"Never talk that way, son. God made you and loves you, and if you believe and follow our dear Lord Jesus Christ, you will make your old mother's heart glad."
One day at school assembly, Jesse listened to the great athlete named Charlie Paddock, hailed by sports writers as the "fastest man alive". Paddock was going to schools and motivating kids. Paddock looked over kids and there was absolute silence.
"Do you know who you are? Well I'm here to tell you. You are children of God. You are Americans and you have it in you to become what you want to be, if you know what that is, if you will form a goal, if you believe in that goal and in yourself, if you work hard and never give up. If you trust God all the way, you can be what you want to be; and that is the plain truth about every one of you."

These remarks burned into Jesse's young mind and in that instant he knew precisely what he wanted to be. Indeed he saw an image of himself as being just that. Jesse Owens ran to his coach, shouting: "Coach, I've got a dream. I'm going to be the next Charlie Paddock. I'm going to be the fastest man alive."

The coach, a wise and kindly man, put his arm around the shoulder of the slight, skinny kid. "That's right Jesse, have a dream. You can never go higher than you can dream. But you can go as high as you can dream." Then the coach added: "But you will have to climb a ladder to your dreams and it can be steep and hard going. And on that ladder to your dreams are four rungs: the first is determination
2. dedication
3. discipline
4. the fourth is attitude."

The coach emphasised the importance of each rung, but stressed the extra importance of ATTITUDE. "Your attitude towards your goal, towards yourself, towards life, and toward God Almighty will determine or not whether your dream will come true."

At the Berlin Olympics in 1936 Jesse Owens won 4 gold medals. He was the winner in the 100 and 200 metre sprints. His record in the long jump had not been equalled for 24 years. High on the list of American sports immortals was the name of Jesse Owens.

What a person can do in life to counteract the pernicious mental attitude that comprises the "3 L's": lack, loss and limitation. Use the positive words of that often-used expression, "It'll be right on the night" (or "this too shall someday pass") and imprint them deeply on your subconscious mind.

A positive attitude may not take all of us to Jesse Owen's level of success; but it can lift us to heights we would not otherwise attain in our endeavours.

CHOOSE what you want to BE and BECOME
You have to have a PLAN to make your dreams come true.
You need PERSISTENCE in following it through

Lord, broaden my horizons for all the rich promises you have in store for me.

Craig Lock (Eagle Productions)

Edwin Hubbel Chapin once said, "Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity." That is the definition of a
legacy. Wouldn't you love to do something that might strike a
beautiful chord that will "vibrate in eternity"?

"Create a dream and give it everything you have,
You could be surprised just how
much you are capable of achieving.
If you don't have a dream...borrow one!
Any what way, you must have a dream."
- Jesse Owens, famous American sprinter who won four gold medals at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin.

by Norman Vincent Peale (author of The Power of Positive Thinking)
Published by: Cedar, an imprint of William Heinemann Publishing
"Your belief determines your action and your action determines your
results, but first you have to believe."
- Mark Victor Hansen

"Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservations."
- Elton Trueblood

About the submitter:
Craig believes in sharing information and insights to make a difference in this world: to help and especially encourage people along life's magical journey to live their dreams and be all they can be... and that brings him the greatest joy.

"We have it all within, but we get from without."
- craig

"You are as great as your thoughts, as big as your heart and as vast as your imagination."
- my good friend, Dr Andy Eastcott, Gisborne, New Zealand
The various books that Craig 'felt inspired to write' are available at:

This article may be freely published, electronically or in print.

Author's Bio:
The various books that Craig 'felt inspired to write' are available at: