There are many factors that determine the conversion rate of any website. One factor that can sometimes go overlooked is website design. That’s right, the design of the website has a lot to do with the conversion rate of any website. In fact, there are many designers that do not think of this aspect when designing a website. Read on below to know exactly how your website’s design can impact its conversion rates.

Pick the Right Color

The colors that you choose for your website are important because they can be psychological triggers that can drive your visitors to perform certain actions on the site. That is why picking the right color scheme is critical. Use contrasting colors that bring out the designs beautifully against the background of the website.

When choosing the color of the call to action button, choose a color that is not already present on the page. This will make the button stand out and draw more attention towards itself. A case study performed by Hubspot confirmed that call to action buttons that are of non-dominant colors performed better than those of dominant colors. This same theory can be applied to the colors of the various hyperlinks on your pages.

Bring Focus to Call to Action

The ultimate goal of bringing a potential customer to your website is to get them to perform some action. That action can be filling a contact form, creating a new account, signing up for a newsletter etc. Your website’s design must be such that it draws attention to that particular call to action. In the above point, I already stated how the colors of the CTA can impact conversion. Apart from the colors, there are other elements to consider.

These elements include – graphics, borders, textures etc. Use these elements to create a design around your call to action button to draw interest towards it.

Test Various Different Styles

Before you settle for one particular layout for your website, don’t be afraid to try out various different styles, designs, themes, layouts etc. Perform A/B testing by creating two separate pages that have different themes, designs, layouts and compare their performance. You bring traffic to both these pages and then try to judge their response based on which pages they spend more time on and how they interact with you through those pages.

When using images on the page, it is better to use the image of real-life human beings rather than random graphics as real images evoke more emotions and improve conversion. There is an old saying – “two heads are better than one”, this is true in the case of determining your web design as well. Involve more people in the process to get an understanding of which overall style works best for you.

Attention Grabbing Content

Most people do not think about content when talking about web design. However, content can have a deep integration with the design of the website as well as with the conversion rate. The content of the headline of the site or the content on the banner image is the first thing your website’s visitors read when they land on your site. This content should contain the hook that engages customers.

Even the content of the call to actions that I have repeatedly mentioned in this post should have content that really speaks to your prospect customers. As human psychology goes, words like “free trial, free quote, free consultation” get more people to click the CTA buttons. Apart from the actual words, the font and color of the content of the page also matter. Make the font size large of the banner text and also make it bold to capture more attention and make more impact.


Whether you hire a web design company or design your site yourself, these above pointers need to be kept in mind to ensure that your website’s conversion rate meets your expectations. Even if you have an old site but want improved conversion rates, hire a web development company like Clap Creative that has an understanding of the concept of conversion rate optimization to can make the necessary changes.

Author's Bio: 

Shelly K, E-commerce Specialist, and Business Analyst at Clap Creative

Clap Creative is your next door tech firm in Los Angeles offering full-range web services under one roof. An experienced team of web professionals works to create custom internet solutions to meet your business goals. And when we say partners, we mean it!

