So, you would like to find out how to win the lottery guaranteed? Are there really strategies that can guarantee you to win?

Many claimed to own strategies on how to win the lottery guaranteed. However, in actual life, is there really a system that can guarantee you a 100% win? Well, I could safely say there's none. However, if you apply the right strategies and employ a good system, you can improve your chances of winning the lottery up to 98% if not 100%. A good system is not easy to find.

If you want some tips that are guaranteed to improve your chances of winning the lottery substantially, then read on this article. There are some guaranteed effective tips here.

Guaranteed Effective Tips #1 -

Do not buy lottery numbers that have been winning at recent times. This is a mistake made by many lottery players.

When a number strikes the lottery, everyone else will rush to buy the same numbers hoping that those numbers will appear as winners again.

The fact is, those numbers are no more likely to be winners than any other numbers. So, there is no point harping on this false hope and buying the same numbers again and again, when you should be spending your time and money to predict winning lottery numbers other than those numbers which have already won the game recently.

So, if you want to know how to win the lottery - guaranteed real tips #1 is, not to buy lottery numbers that have been recent winning numbers. Instead, focus on other numbers which you predict from your other sources. For a more accurate prediction, you can study the trend of the game or get some helps from the lottery gurus who have won lotteries before.

Guaranteed Real Tips #2 -

Buy more lines. To improve your chances of winning, you have to buy more lines. Anything lesser than 4 lines would not be good enough to win the game. So, if you can afford, buy more than 4 lines in each game. But if you really can't afford, instead of buying very few lines at a time, the gurus' advice is to save up your money until you can buy at least 4 lines in one game. This will enhance your success rate greatly. In the long run, this will be a better strategy as well.

Guaranteed Real Tips #3 -

Do not buy merely the numbers of your birthday. Do not get me wrong. I am not saying that your birth dates are not good or are not possible to become winners.

There is nothing wrong if your birthday happens to be that lucky numbers that help you to win the game all the time. The problem is, not all birth dates are lucky numbers.

If you stick to just your birth dates, you are limiting yourself to only 31 numbers, namely, from the 1st to 31st since the maximum days in a month is only 31.

This buying pattern will kill your chances to win based on other bigger numbers.

If you play other larger numbers, the numbers of people who buy the same numbers would be lesser as well. In that case, if you are lucky enough to appear as a winner, you would enjoy a larger share as you get to share with lesser people.

If you always wonder how to win the lottery guaranteed, you may want to realize that by now, there is no one system or tool that can guarantee you 100% success rate. However, they are able to help improving your winning chances substantially if you use them right!

Author's Bio: 

What you can do is to rely on advanced system, effective strategies and technologies to enhance your chances of winning to as high as maybe say 98-99%? As mentioned earlier, there is such system. How to win the lottery guaranteed? Click here to discover for yourself a lottery system that guarantees you to win 9 out of 10 games. Click:

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