Wow, the year is almost over! Here is a recap of the Season’s focus. In case you missed it, you might want to take a look at these to see what still applies and what you need to embrace to gracefully waltz into the New Year!

Intentionally Plan Your Holidays And Year-End (setting up your HYP)

Acknowledge And Celebrate Your Accomplishments (ASPECT 1 of HYP)

Letting Go, Productivity And Meaningful Holidays (ASPECT 2 of HYP)

Giving, Meaning And Success (ASPECT 3 of HYP)

Giving To Yourself For Ultimate Success (Reinforcement for HYP)

Feeling Funky, Visioning And Strategic Planning (ASPECT 4 of HYP)

This work is for me equivalent of being a kid in a candy store! I love organizing, planning, strategizing, structuring, systematizing and the like. And as you already know I’m obviously all about healing, growing, developing, evolving, honoring and taking care of ourselves so we can do in the life what we are meant to do. So that we can be amazing for our loved ones. So that we can make a difference in all we do.

This leads me to sharing the BONUS ASPECT of HYP! Aspect Bonus has 5 Parts:

Part 1 – Completing any year end rituals and wrap-up tasks

Part 2 – Designing new habits and daily flowing routine informed by your Strategic Plan

Part 3 – Identifying any personal growth areas and putting support in place to do the work

Part 4 – Selecting your New Year Intention, your Focus Term™

Part 5 – Having a New Year Tradition™ to kick-off the New Year!

These are the things that when considered and intentionally and systematically addressed help us create our extraordinary life. We did not choose to be in this world to have an ordinary, boring or disastrous life. We chose to have a full, amazing, wondrous and Brilliant Human Experience™. Are you owning that yet?

Let me bring your attention to Part 4: Selecting your Focus Term™

I’ve written before, and you probably subscribe to this philosophy as well, that I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions. It is a known fact that most Resolutions are not adhered to past the first month of the year at best. Also, by the third week of the year, the post holidays and winter blues set in… This is a terrible way to progress into the year! It is our responsibility to ourselves to be as preventative around this as possible. This is why I don’t subscribe / prescribe New Year’s Resolutions. Why make a dismal situation worse?

Instead I offer to go in with a gentle, loving, nurturing and compassionate approach. All the completed work outlined above will guarantee a better experience and serve as a preventative measure… Additionally, I love utilizing the concept of using a Focus Term™ to serve as our North Star for the year. This is not a challenge to our will power as a New Year’s Resolution might feel like. This is a holding, loving hand to support us in our Journey throughout the year.

This is a word that captures the theme of the goals selected during your strategizing, or a desired approach to your life… This is the essence of the Focus for the upcoming year, and which becomes a mantra, focus lens, or filter as you flow through the Journey.

As you are preparing to ring in the New Year, think about your *Focus Term. Here are some to consider:

*These can be used as guiding or playing Themes as well

We did it! You are now equipped with everything you need to rock the New Year! I realize that all this can be a lot of work and feel overwhelming. Just take small bites and keep at it. The investment is well worth it!!!

Stay tuned for how to swing into the new year and setting it up for success in the next issue when I share more about inspiration, motivation, and discipline.

Remember to complete the MetroRelationsip™ Assignment below to help you effortlessly implement this, make changes and immediately start creating your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life… Share your experience by leaving a comment below!

Happy Waltzing!

P.S. If you need more support creating your amazing life, we are here to help. I’d be honored to speak with you about how we can help you. Schedule a get acquainted call to connect and discuss how we can help and how to get started. Look forward to Connecting with you!

~ Your MetroRelationship™ Assignment

Recharge to start the New Year right!

Add this to your Tool Kit…

Author's Bio: 

Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT has been in the mental health field in varying capacities for the past 20+ years. She is the Founder and Director of a psychotherapy and coaching practice specializing in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial couples who are struggling getting on the same page and feeling connected.