A lot of us want to take time off during the holidays. But then at the same time when we take time off we risk hurting our bottom line. In this article I am going to show you how to prioritize your activities so you can take the maximum amount of time off without losing momentum with your business activities.

Create a specific time off goal
Decide how much time you want to take off and schedule it in your calender. Stay true to your calender like taking this time off was another appointment. The best way to do that, if you have a hard time disconnecting from work is to schedule time with other people. This way you will be expected to be somewhere that you cant work.

Outline your Business Results goal & Give them a Hierarchy
We have to start with a goal so we can become very focused with the time we dedicate to work. If you have more than one business results goal put them in order of priority. And do your best to work single minded on the most important goal until it is complete. This is an opportunity to really test your ability to choose activities that are going to give you the highest result for the time you are giving yourself to work. Really focus on the ten percent of the activities that give you ninety percent of your business results.

Compare the two goals
Make sure that your business results goal and your time off goal are congruent. This isn't the time to stress yourself out. Its the time to be effective and enjoy the holidays.

Action Steps on your Business Goals
Take your list of business goals or your single business goal and create an action plan to achieve those goals. Put those action steps into your calender. Keep asking yourself as your write this plan.. "am I being as efficient with my time as possible?" When you make plans with a question at the top of your mind it forces your mind to sort through the world with the question. This will help make sure you stay on track and are more effective with the actions you take.

And make sure you have a great holiday session. Results will come if you focus on the most profitable objectives. And those objectives will get done quickly when you focus on efficiency.

Author's Bio: 

This is one of the topics that talk on to advance as one of the Best Business Speakers in North America

I also have a blog focused on Small Business Marketing Ideas to help anyone grow their business

If you would like to learn more feel free to connect with me on twitter @NathanealMohr