1. Educate yourself: - It is important that you know trading terms like buy, sell, IPO, portfolio, quotes, spread, volume, yield, index,
sector, volatility, etc. before you place your first order in the stock market. Read financial websites or join
investment courses to gain a better understanding of the stock market jargon and related news.

2. Practice with an online stock simulator: - Using an online stock simulator is a good idea to practice your skills at zero risk. By playing virtual stock market
games, you can increase your knowledge on investing strategies. Most of the online virtual stock market games are
synchronized with market indices and stock values, thus giving you a real experience of trading in stocks using
virtual money. This helps in understanding the working of the stock market, without having to lose on stocks.

3. Choose the Low-Risk High-Reward trading method: - There are always ups and downs in the stock market. Beginners often do more damage to their share trading account by
expecting higher returns with high risks. As risk is unavoidable in online share trading, low-risk high-reward
trading methods ensure that rewards are gained while risks are controlled.

4. Make a plan: - As the old adage goes, fail to plan and you plan to fail. Those who are serious about being successful, including
traders, need to have a strategy in place for investment and trading in the stock market. It is of utmost
importance to make right investment decisions through your trading strategies. Decide the amount you want to invest
and the time limit for which you want to hold the investments. Accordingly, you can schedule your orders to buy and
sell, depending on the cash limits and exposure set by you as per the planned strategy

5. Find a mentor: -Every successful investor has had a mentor at some point in their investment journey. When you are new to the
investment world and have just started learning stock trading, it is essential to find a person who has a fair
experience in this field and can guide you through your journey. Your mentor can help you create a learning path,
recommend courses and study material, as well as keep you motivated through the ups and downs of the market.

Author's Bio: 

I'm Aneet Trifid, I am sharing an article about an overview of How to start Investing or Trading in Share Market. we provide Stock Trading Tips