Standing out in a productive, positive and creative way requires deliberate and strategic efforts to get positioned, get attention and get noticed so that you can achieve your desired results. All of us stand out in some way; the question is whether we are standing out in the ways that help us realize our desired results?

If I asked you: “How do you stand out right now; what would be your answer”? Is the answer that came to mind helping you achieve your short- and long-term results or is it keeping you from getting noticed?

Here are 5 strategies to help you stand out in the crowd and move ahead of the competition:

1. Stand out by doing different things

You can stand out by doing something that no one else in your marketplace is doing. It’s about getting creative. You can stand out by inventing, developing or initiating something new or unique that meets the needs of your ideal clients. Think about the products or services you currently offer and consider how you might re-purpose them so they stand out in a crowded marketplace.

2. Stand out by doing things differently

You can stand out by doing common things in an uncommon way. By adding your own creative spin you can make the ordinary, extraordinary and exciting. So what can you do to spice up your products and services? What are some of the different ways you can present or deliver products and services to your clients so you stand out from the crowd and ahead of the competition?

3. Stand out by stirring emotions

Did you know that clients will surely remember you when you stir their emotions in a positive way? It’s time to rev up the warm fuzzies. Start by making people laugh and have some fun throughout the interaction. Whatever emotions (e.g. having fun, feeling powerful, showing empathy or being successful) are important to your clients; make them feel it in a big way. Be sincere, and don’t hold back on the ‘drama’ (in this case ‘drama’ is a good thing). You must act big to make them feel big.

4. Stand out by being consistent

If you are always something or never something (whether good or bad), then you are standing out in that way. That’s because consistency makes your message stick. It’s important to decide how you want and need to stand out in the minds of your target audience and always behave or present yourself that way. Remember that anything done consistently creates a brand reputation. What should you do on a consistent basis?

5. Stand out by forming relationships

Most entrepreneurs, executives and non-profit leaders do not realize that they can also stand out by forming collaborations and strategic alliances. Look for those unusual relationships with non-profits and other for-profits that allow for collaboration or a strategic alliance.

When entrepreneurs, executives, and non-profit leaders combine these 5 strategies in their strategic growth plan, it positions their entity for massive success. In summary to stand out from the crowd and the competition you must:

1.Stand out by doing different things
2.Stand out by doing things differently
3.Stand out by stirring emotions
4.Stand out by being consistent
5.Stand out by forming relationships

You can start by committing the next thirty days to identifying three ways where you can stand out in the marketplace and then develop an implementation plan. The more you stand out, the more you outclass the competition. I must share this with you: “I always tell people that one of the greatest compliments you can give me is to tell me that I am different. When people are different, they make a difference”. I said this to say… it’s okay to be different. If everyone else is going right - then you go left.

You may want to listen to 7 Surefire Strategies for Building a High-End Client List and Marketing to the Affluent

© 2010 Dr. Laureen – all rights reserved

Author's Bio: 

As an award-winning Positioning and Business Growth Expert and Certified Money Breakthrough Solutionist, Dr. Laureen Wishom is hailed as the “Million Dollar Solutionist"™. She is the Founder and CEO of the Global Association of High-Achieving-Women and Masterpiece Solutions LLC. She is a successful speaker, author and the creator of the signature program: Marketing to the Affluent™ 7.5 Strategies for Finding, Attracting, Servicing and Leveraging High-End Clients. She specializes in providing masterful solutions that produce powerful results for high-achieving women entrepreneurs, executives, and non-profit leaders who want to: 1) brand their brilliance; 2) form strategic alliances, partnerships and collaborations; 3) generate multiple streams of revenue; 4) build high-end relationships and 5) market to the affluent™. For free tips and new ideas for career and business growth, visit her blog at