More and more people are reporting having trouble sleeping. In these uncertain times, anxiety and stress are normal, and this affects the quality of your sleep. Lack of sleep and stress are connected, being proactive about your mental health can help to keep both your mind and body stronger. It's important to spot the early signs of sleep deprivation as it also affects your ability to manage stress and to look after yourself. Here are ways to help you improve your sleep:

reduce stress

- Turn off your devices at 1 hour before bedtime

It's not that easy to do but it really pays off to avoid looking at your phone or tablet in bed. Not only we get over stimulated by looking at our screens, but the blue light emitted by your phone is especially disruptive.

- Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time, this will set you body's natural internal clock.

- Spend more time outside during daylight

We tend to underestimate the positive effect of quality sleep on our mental and physical health. Lack of daylight can affect our mood and energy levels, and combined with unhealthy habits and lifestyle choices, we end up feeling restless at night even when our body is tired.

- Exercise during the day

It sounds contradictory but if you feel low in energy during the day because you didn't sleep well, you need to spend more energy. People who exert themselves physically sleep better and feel less sleepy during the day. Regular exercise is certainly recommended to people suffering from insomnia. Try to incorporate exercise to your day by walking instead of driving where possible, or taking a walk at lunch time.

- Wind down and clear your head

Creating a relaxing bedtime ritual will help prepare your mind for sleep, some people enjoy taking a hot bath, listen to relaxing music or an audiobook. Diming the lights in the evening is also recommended, it's all part of creating a healthy sleep environment. By sticking to a peaceful bedtime routine, you train your brain to wind down and you'll find it easier to let go of the day’s events.

- Don't beat yourself up about not being able to control everything

In situations that are uncertain, it’s understandable to feel stressed, anxious, or upset, among other emotional reactions. It's perfectly okay to acknowledge and express what you’re feeling.

If you have had trouble sleeping for a long time and are getting increasingly anxious about it, speaking to an online therapist can really help you find a way forward. To facilitate progress, your counsellor will use a range of explorative techniques, provide advice and offer support.

Together you'll work on:

- Acknowledging your feelings.

- Maintaining your day-to-day normal activities and routine where possible.

- Developing a healthy routine, this can include: eating healthy meals, physical exercise like walking, running or stretching

- Practice Mindfulness

- Seeking accurate information.

Finding credible sources you can trust is important to avoid the anxiety and confusion that can be caused by information overwhelm.

We hope you'll experiment with the tips provided in this article, when you enjoy better sleep at night, you boost your health, and improve how you think and feel during the day.

Author's Bio: 

This is Arifur Rahman. Who is a professional SEO Specialist & Blogger. He has been working in this sector since 2015. He owns many websites along with working as a contributor on many authority sites. He loves to share his stories, tips, tricks, and teach online readers. For any kind of support contact me here: