After a flood, what people dread the most is a basement cleanup. A flooded basement is a big threat to the hygiene and safety of your home. If water remains standing in your basement, it can not only damage the foundation but also result in mildew and mold growth.

It even will ruin your furnishings and any other items stored in your basement. Thus it is very important to recover from the basement flood at the earliest. And, if you are wondering how to do so, then just follow the simple steps given below.

1.Give Importance to Your Safety First

Standing water and electricity results in a fatal combination. So, it is essential for you to ensure that your basement's electrical supply is shut down before you begin with your basement flood recovery task. If you have your water heater in the basement, do not forget to shut off your gas supply as well.

If there are sump pumps in your basement that did not work efficiently during the flood, then unplug it. And also unplug any other appliances that may be present. You should not use any type of electrical equipment in your basement, not until you have successfully managed to remove the collected water using submersible sump pumps.

It will be a good idea to use LED-powered flashlight to illuminate the area. And, wear tall boots that have rubber soles so that you can walk easily without slipping on the submerged flooring.

2.Eliminate Water Completely

If there is just an inch of water or less covering a little space on the floor, then you can get rid of the water using a dry/wet vacuum. These vacuums are created for small tasks, and they usually have tanks that can hold about 3 - 5 gallons of water. Remember, you may need to make quite a few trips upstairs to empty the water.

However, if flooding is over an inch deep, then you will need to use a submersible pump and hose to remove the water. This pump must be powered off your generator located upstairs. It is pretty easy to lower most pump models into deep water by suspending the pump using a nylon rope. And, the electrical connection can be suspended from the ceiling joist.

3.Get Prepared to Start Cleaning

Now that you have removed all water from the basement, you can start with the cleanup process. But before that, make sure you wear protective clothing and gloves and do not remove your boots. If sewage water had entered your basement, then you must wear protective eyeglasses and a face mask to keep yourself safe from the harmful gases.

Avoid touching electrical sockets and equipment until they are completely dry.

4.Remove Dirt

Flood water usually always brings mud along with it into the basement. Before this mud dries, you need to shovel it out.

You might also notice dirt and mud on your basement furnishings and walls. With the help of a hose rinse everything at least a few times so that you can get rid of the dirt completely.

Do not let the mud dry and harden as it is much easier to clean them while they are still moist. After you have removed the dirt from your belongings and walls, clean up the water with the help of a dry/wet vacuum.

5.Remove the Damaged Items

There will be a few items in your basement that you will not be able to salvage. So, you need to get rid of them.

Some of the items that you need to discard include -

• Inexpensive items that got soaked like particleboard furniture, box springs, and mattresses.

• Ceiling and walls that got soaked and have badly absorbed water.
• Flooring, like carpet, that is completely drenched in sewage or floodwater.

• Canned goods, herbs, vegetables and other food items that have been drenched in the floodwater.

• Items like cushions, pillows, furniture coverings and toys that you will not be able to sanitize properly.

There are certain items that you can salvage like -

• ·Carpets and floors that were just minimally affected.

• ·Clothing

• ·Furniture that just had a little exposure to flood water.

• ·Other items that do not show any signs of contamination.

6.Disinfect and Sanitize

After a flood, molds will start growing in your basement, within about 24 hours. So it is very important to sanitize and disinfect the full basement and any items that you want to salvage.

You will be working with bleach now but be careful while doing so. Basement generally has bad ventilation, and the fumes that will be released can be harmful.

You have to create a cleaning solution by mixing one cup of bleach in one gallon of water (this is the ratio, make as much of the solution as is needed). Wash down all surfaces using this bleach solution, and make sure to rinse well after cleaning.

Leave your closets, wall cavities, and cupboard open until they are completely dry.

7.Start Drying Your Basement

The flooring, walls, and any items in your basement needs to be dried thoroughly to avoid the development of mold.

The better the airflow your basement can be exposed to, the quicker it will dry. Open all the windows and doors and run multiple fans. Use your furnace heat, fan, and industrial blowers to evaporate the water fast.

You can also use a dehumidifier to get rid of any moisture that the fans could not dry. While using a dehumidifier, do not forget to close your windows. The holding container also must be checked and emptied frequently.

To Conclude -

Following the steps that are shared above, you easily will be able to recover from the basement flood. Yes, it will take a bit of your time and lots of efforts, but you have no choice. If the basement is left unattended, it is going to create bigger troubles for you.

One thing you need to remember is that if the basement flooding is over a few inches deep then give importance to your personal safety and hire a restoration contractor. They are certified and trained and will remove water from your basement quickly. Also, they will clean your belongings and dry and sanitize the area. Thus, leaving you with nothing to worry about at all.

Author's Bio: 

Md Rasel is a professional blogger.