There is always a pivotal point in our lives when we finally decide on doing something that we have always wanted to do. For some people, this might involve travelling to a place they have never been to before or it could be trying a new hairstyle, getting a tattoo, or upgrading one’s wardrobe. A pivotal point means different things to different people – it could besomething as simple as buying your dream pair of shoes or as big as undergoing surgery to enhance a certain part of your body. Surgery is a major pivotal point and given its life-altering outcome, plastic surgery in Singapore is, not surprisingly, very popular.From breast reconstruction procedures to liposuctions, there is no shortage of available methods that can correct an impairment in the body or enhance the appearance of its parts.  If you need more information, you can always refer to Dr. Samuel Ho review, which is one of the most trusted experts in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery in Singapore today.

Both reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery can change the way a person looks on the outside, so it is crucial to understand how these can affect us on the inside as well.  Before you start looking for a qualified surgeon, you should evaluate yourself first by examining your motives for undergoing a surgery. You need to have realistic expectations on what can be achieved when you undergo a reconstructive or a cosmetic procedure. You should have knowledge of the risks and complications involved, the amount of downtime needed after the operation, the effects of the downtime and recovery process in your personal and professional life, and the total costs of pre-surgery consultations, surgeon’s fees, hospitalization, and medications. It sounds a lot already at this point but that is not all! If you have any chronic medical condition, you should make sure that it will not affect the outcome of the surgery. There are some surgical procedures that require patients to maintain their present weight for up to a year prior to the procedure, and it is also common practice for surgeons to ask their patients to abstaining from smoking for up to six weeks pre and post-surgery. If you are going to be affected by these requirements, it means that so you should be prepared to make certain adjustments to your lifestyle.

Once you have your motives checked, you can now set an appointment with a reputable surgeon. The key word here is “reputable” and not just any doctor who offers a discounted deal on a particular procedure. You can ask your surgeon about his or her qualifications and whether or not they have received board certification. You will have an idea on the level of skills and experience of a surgeon based on his or her credentials as a medical professional. You can also ask him or her about the number of times that they have done a procedure similar to the one you are considering and if there are any other health care workers who will be involved. It will be helpful to discuss the results that you can expect, too. If possible, you should request for the before and after photos of previous patients so that you will have a better mind image of what you would look like after a procedure.

The benefits and limitations of the procedure should be openly and thoroughly discussed. Do not feel that you are overreacting when you ask a lot of questions; it is perfectly normal to be worried about things like pain, discomfort, stitches, and scars. Be proactive and inquire about the options for pain management and scarring, removal of stitches (if there will be any), and activities that you need to restrict in order to avoid complications. Almost all surgeries have downtimes, so it is better if you know how long it will take before you can return to your everyday routine. Lastly, your surgeon should be able to tell you when you can see the results of the procedure and how long it will last.

A pivotal change like plastic surgery does not happen instantly. In order to succeed, it requires research, skills, and good communication between the surgeon and the patient. Having a clear understanding of the procedure is the first step towards a great outcome. Managing your expectations is a must, too. Plastic surgery is not a cure-all, nor does it guarantee a fairy tale-like ending for those who choose it. You can always explore non-surgical options, as they carry less risks and complications. Talk to your family and friends to know how they feel about you undergoing surgery. If they all for it, and you absolutely need it, then it is time for you to make one of the biggest decisions you will ever make in your life. Plastic surgery may not be the answer to everything but if it makes you look and feel good, then embrace it, proudly and loudly!

Author's Bio: 

Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.