As the year comes to a close, and we have a little downtime during the Holiday Season and New Years, it’s a great time to reflect, regroup and then set your energy for the coming year.

For the past 5 years ago I have had a practice of reviewing my year and setting goals for the year to come. I have developed a system of doing this that really works well for me, so I thought I would share these steps with you today in the hope that you will benefit from this simple, yet powerful practice.

Step 1: Write a letter of thankfulness for the year that has just past.

On New Years Eve, or as close to that day as you can, sit down and write a letter to your angels. Thank your team of helpers for their support and backing from the previous year. Next, write down all the positive things that happened over the last 12 months. Write down your highlights of the year. Be patient with this process and make sure you don’t skip anything. Then read your letter out loud. I always read mine out to Richard. You will be amazed at how many positive things have occurred in your life that you perhaps have not fully acknowledged. This leaves you in a high, positive, vibration.

Step 2: Write a letter of thankfulness for the year that is about to come.

This letter will be the same process as Step 1. Write a letter thanking your angels for their support and backing and your appreciation of all the wonderful things that happened in 2014. The difference is you are imagining that you are writing your letter of thankfulness on December 31, 2014. So you write this letter in the past tense, as if all these things have already occurred! This is a powerful way to set your intentions and commit to all the positive things you want to manifest in your life.

Step 3: Write down your goals for the coming year.

This is just a simple list of what you would like to be, do or have in the coming year. Try to think of all areas of your life including material things, family, relationships, travel, fun, friendships, hobbies, financial success, business, spiritual growth etc etc

Step 4: Create a Vision Board for the next 12 months

Now that you have your list of goals for the year, you will make a vision board for 2014. Find a picture to represent each goal you wrote down. A simple way to do this is to do a google search and print out images from the internet. You can also look through magazines that might have pictures of what you desire.

After more than 2 years of not becoming pregnant, I finally had the courage to put a picture of a baby on my vision board for 2012. It worked and I got pregnant during that year!

Be as specific as possible with your images. If you want a new car, don’t just find a picture of any old car. Find a picture of the exact make and model of car that you want. A few years ago Richard wanted a motorcycle. We had no idea how we would come up with the multiple thousands of dollars to buy one, so it seemed unrealistic to put it on our vision board. But, when Richard decided the exact make and model of motorcyle he wanted and put it on our vision board; just one week later he found that exact bike for $2000 less than it would usually sell for. And the tax refund that came in that week was just the right amount of money to buy it. It’s amazing what can manifest when you are clear and specific with your goals, then put it out to the universe and your angels through your vision board. You can do this too!

Step 5: Create a Big Picture Vision Board

This is actually a new step that I will be adding to my process this year that I haven’t done before. Creating a 12 month vision board has really worked well for me. But I realized a little while ago that it wasn’t quite enough. There are some bigger goals and dreams that I have that I want to start bringing into my life that may not occur in 2014. Because I haven’t been creating a vision board for the more long-term goals, these dreams keep getting put off and put off.

So this year, I will make a second vision board. I will do the same process as for Step 3&4. List all the goals you have for your life beyond 2014. For me some of these include having a home in New Zealand, and writing a book. Then find pictures to represent these goals. Simply by having your big picture vision board in sight daily, you will bring these goals closer to reality.

Now all you have to do is keep your vision boards in close sight in your home so that you see them often. When the timing is right, your angels will bring you the opportunities and action steps that will make those visions a reality. Follow through and take action immediately on your hunches and impressions. Make those dreams come true!

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Melissa Kitto, the Angel Guidance Coach, will show you how to tune in and communicate directly with your angels and experience the JOY of living your unique life purpose. Visit to receive your FREE Special Report, the 3 Secrets to Communicating with your Angels.