With direct marketing, you can immediately see your return on investment. You invest a dollar and you immediately known if you're getting a response. There are no wasting thousands of dollars and then praying for a result. You get the result immediately.

Professionals new to marketing make the mistake of taking their cues from big business to so-called marketing experts. Don’t market or advertise your services as big businesses do as your context is not the same. The main issues focus on the difference between “push and pull” and “branding.”
Common to All Direct Marketing

If you want to get great results, you need to start with a great headline (for email, the subject line). I would recommend that you study books on copywriting or hire a copywriter. Great headlines are not intuitive. To write great headlines, you need to study a large number of great headlines to get the gestalt. Once you have it, you have it forever.

Let me provide an example. I sent out an email today to Financial Advisors. The subject line:
"New Research – Group of Advisors Earning 5 Times More"
The title is compelling as it raises an extreme degree of curiosity and desire to not be left behind.
Even a phone call has a headline designed to capture the attention and curiosity of the recipient. While shocking, most phone calls open with an introduction such as,"Mrs. Jones, this is Bob Haward from the XYZ company. How are you today?" Do you think this opening generates attention and curiosity? Or does it generate loathing and impatience of receiving a cold call?

What if you opened every call so that if the recipient had interest, you immediately captured their interest and curiosity. In our business of helping financial advisors, we know that their big concern is finding new clients. So, we open the call, "Joe? I understand you have an interest in meeting new clients. Is that still the case?" Do you think this headline captures recipients' interest?
You see, branding yourself is unimportant. What's is most important is having the answer to every prospect's question, "what's in it for me?" When you have that answer, your name, identity, and reputation are secondary.

You need a great headline everywhere you market:

• At the top of a letter (called a Johnson box)
• In your print advertisement
• In your Google AdWords
• As the email subject line
• At the beginning of a phone script

Would you like to get 100% of your direct mail pieces opened? Then put NOTHING on the envelope that reveals the content. The next time you look at your mail, if you find an envelope addressed to you, from a name you do not know but a local address, would you open it? Of course! The curiosity factor is high and there is a risk in tossing the mail unopened should it be important. So many direct mailers make the mistake of telling the recipient the contents and never get their mail opened.
For example, when the envelope says "bundle phone and Internet for 30% off," do I need to open the envelope? There is no risk in me tossing it unopened. The ignorance of some direct mailers is shocking.

Body Copy
Whether email, direct mail or a phone call, the body copy is the substance of the message. It springboards from the headline to:

• retain interest
• clarify and deepen the problem
• suggest a solution

The body copy is intriguing so that the recipient reads (or listens) to the entire message. Again, you must know copywriting to craft these words. Although I have studied several books to become a good copywriter, the one "must read" is Jeffrey Lant's Cash Copy.

Call to Action

The call to action, to be successful must obey some rules.
First, it must be low risk or low cost. Years ago, I sold an $897 product by first sending the prospect a 15-page sales letter. I do not recall having anyone send us a check. They always called first, spoke to our staff and then ordered. We knew they would call if interested.
You cannot ask someone to come to your office for a financial review. They view it as high risk to disclose their personal financial information to a stranger. When marketing online, ask only for name and email. People view too much risk in providing name, address, phone, and email unless you have created trust by repeated contact.

Direct Response Radio
Radio can be inexpensive in a smaller market. Using radio as a medium makes your business seem big. Use it to have

people phone for something:
• reserve a seat at a seminar
• order a free report
• order a free sample
• enter a contest

You get the benefit of branding yourself and simultaneously gathering Financial Planning Leads of interested prospects.

Direct Response TV
Cable TV is the land of the infomercial. Producing the infomercial is the expensive part. You can often buy remnants of cable TV time inexpensively. TV of course is best when you need to demonstrate products and show their amazing benefits.
Because the price of the product is low, the risk is low. People are not worried that they spend $19.95 and the product turns out to be junk. On top of that, you guarantee the product for 60 days! Think about all the infomercials you have ever seen. Whole a few were for known brands (Bow flex, NordicTrack, etc.), most offers worked even from unknown companies. And those companies that are well known in their field are known to you through their infomercials. As stated before, direct response marketing also provides branding benefit.
For information visit our website:https://seniorleads.com

Author's Bio: 

Seniorleads always looking for the great investor leads in California,Texas,New York, Florida, Illinois,New Jersey,Virginia and in entire USA. SeniorLeads finds Annunity Leads and Investment Prospects for Financial Advisors and Life Insurance agents by advertising on websites that affluent 45+ investors & insurance buyers frequent.Gain New Clients in 72 Hours! Call toll free 888-893-2990