Due to the great results it offers, Twitter is fast becoming a valuable commodity in the Internet marketing world. There are plenty of internet marketers who use Twitter to generate new leads and sales as well as to gain repeat visitors to their site.

Twitter allows marketers to build lists of leads and contacts as well as leveraging those lists easily. Let's be honest, all companies need to be able to connect with prospective clients whenever required which is why having a list is so important. Twitter makes this easy and lets you build a list of targeted followers that are interested in receiving updates from you. This article will look at how you can implement simple ideas to gain more Twitter followers so you can eventually move on to the next level.

The first thing you need to do is start following people who are influential in your industry as well as their followers. This is a proven strategy to let people know about you and then get them to follow you. There's no big deal in doing this because if you see that someone isn't following you still, you can always un-follow them. It's quite simple. This is a good strategy that can provide you with that first stepping stone you need since it allows you to slowly but steadily add targeted followers to your account. You don't want to find yourself relying on a sole technique to add more followers to your account which is why you shouldn't be putting all your eggs in one basket.

Another technique that offers excellent results is re-tweeting messages that are interesting and informative.

Since you don't have to take the time to create these messages yourself, this is an effective and easy strategy. Your job is to search for such tweets and share it with your followers. When new people find your Twitter page, they will discover that the messages you re-tweet are truly interesting. Since all your tweets will be interesting, you will not only get people to follow you, but you will also have a higher retention rate. You need to remember this tip at all times if you want to ensure that your follower base is growing continuously.

Another strategy that seems slightly odd but is quite effective is to test different avatars as these can attract more followers for you quite easily. You will often find that people are attracted to your Twitter page simply because your avatar was different while still being connected to your niche but setting you apart from the crowd. These tips have a significant impact in the long run, a fact which you will discover eventually, despite the fact that they don't appear like much.

This article has clearly shown that you have to be smart in building your Twitter following if you want to reach the people that make up this social network. You don't need to worry if you don't see results instantly because it does take some time, especially if you are a complete novice when it comes to Twitter.

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For many more effective ideas on how to increase twitter followers you should visit our Twitter Marketing Hub where you will find loads of advice to help you increase your website traffic. We also review the best Twitter Tools on the market and give you an in depth Tweet Adder Review. See you there!