I’ve always been a pudgy guy weighing more then 220 pounds. After I started working on my eating habits I’ve lost almost 30 pounds, so now it was time for me to develop my muscles. My goal was to look more muscular, don’t we all want that?

I was pumping iron three days a week in the fitness center, but nothing worked. So after a thorough research it became clear that my muscles got tired after a exercise, and my body could not regenerate the amount of energy needed to recover after the session, which limited me in my muscle growth.

This is when my study got me into the fields of nitrogenous organic acids, used by our body to generate energy for the cells in our body. This acid is called creatine and it is manufactured by our liver and kidneys using three other amino acids called L-arginine, L-methionine and glycine.

Well without getting into the details about how this works in our body, creatine does play an important role in our body's energy generation cycle. It gives your body a hefty burst of energy for a short period of time, so it's great for activities like a workout. It does that by converting into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Too bad, our body rather quickly consumes the available ATP, and this has to be regenerated. Fortunately our body also has a solution for this, it stores 95% of its excess creatine within the muscle tissue so it’s easily accessible when its most needed. The remainder of the leftover creatine is saved various organs in the human body.

So you see if you buy creatine you help your body because most people don’t get enough to gain serious muscle mass. Before using Muscle Advance Creatine, I always felt like there was something missing from my workouts. Now I’m getting maximum effect when I lift.

Though a word of advice is needed. Most people can take creatine without problems, in rare occasions you might experience adverse behavior such as Rash, breathing difficulty and fever. Also drink enough water if you take creatine to prevent dehydration.

Please note, I'm not a doctor, if you seek medical advice please consult a physician before using this supplement. I don't take any responsibility.

Author's Bio: 

Edwin is a curious citizen with an relentless interest in health and fitness. He reviews diets, fitness tactics, supplements and other health and fitness related products on his site for the general publics benefit.