It can be a difficult slog through all of life's ups and downs if one doesn't know how to grow as a person. But being able to engage in personal development is made easier when one realizes that there's just no “one size fits all” or single formula that always guarantees personal success. Rather, everybody has different goals and priorities, and that means that different attitudes and activities for each person will ultimately determine the success of personal growth.

How can a person, then (given that each person is also unique in his or her own way), realize personal growth and success? Well, it helps to understand that the definition of “success” will be different from one individual to another, depending on his or her own self-knowledge.

For one person, having enough to live on while being able to enjoy a passion for reading, for example, may be termed “success.” For another person, being able to help with charitable activities could be “success” while still another person defines success as having millions of dollars in the bank.

The common theme in all the above is that each of those people, with their varying definitions of “success,” didn't let others around them define what it meant to have achieved success. Of course, the reason why many people end up not feeling as if they're successful is because they've let others tell them just what “success” really is.

Instead, in order to effectuate personal growth, each person must – within the bounds of culture or society, some would say – have a well-developed sense of perspective about themselves, said perspective clearing the way to really see what's important and what's not. For example, a person who wants to be the world's greatest gaming software designer, but who hasn't even bothered to learn anything about HTML (“Hyper-text Markup Language”) code, will quickly butt up against a figurative brick wall.

Soon enough, the lack of personal growth (no coding skills, no ability to write gaming software) will lead to frustration and a sense of alienation or isolation. Therefore, in order to grow personally and professionally (the two often go hand-in-hand with each other), maybe setting a few interim goals – such as spending a year learning to write HTML code – is in order.

The above is just one example of many that could be illustrated to point out that the road to ultimate personal growth and “success,” which is defined first of all by perspective and then by actionable goals, is fraught with peril. Having a workable and realistic plan, for example; getting that first new home and paying off that car and saving for the kids' college education, is paramount when it comes to growing as a person.

In the end, people need to constantly “grow” in some way or another or they risk senescence and eventual atrophy and, finally, extinction. Look for ways every day in which an opportunity for growth can be taken advantage of. Always have self-knowledge of strengths and weaknesses and work to further improve those strengths while also eliminating those weaknesses.

Author's Bio: 

Nik Halik is an Inspirational Keynote Speaker, Life Strategist, Successful Entrepreneur, Astronaut and Best Selling Author.

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