While your ultimate goal may be to create a six-figure coaching business, what if you’re new to coaching and haven’t had your first client yet? How does a new coach get from ground zero to building a successful and lucrative business?

I compare getting your first client to what many college graduates face when they first try to enter the job market; many employers only want to hire people with experience, but new grads can’t begin to gain experience until they land their first job. Seems unfair, doesn’t it? Yet the reality is, those fresh out of school do compete with applicants with a track record. How can they get their first break on such an uneven playing field?

If this sounds like where you are in your coaching business, take heart—every successful coach before you has stood on the same threshold at one point, and eventually crossed it. With the right mindset and preparation, you can, too.

Here are my 10 tried and true techniques for getting your very first coaching client (and many more to follow):

* Know your ideal client inside and out. What, you ask? How can you do that if you don’t have any clients yet? I cannot stress enough how important it is to know exactly what target clients you want to serve in your business in order for you to be successful. There are many variables to consider when deciding what kinds of clients you want to work with. If you have not yet determined this, go back and download (or reread) my free “New Coaching Manifesto” on the right-side-bar of this web site.

* Tailor everything—and I mean everything—to demonstrate that you understand your ideal client’s problems and how you have solutions for them. From your Web site copy to how you introduce yourself at networking events, from your social media profile to every interview you give, your messaging should leave no doubt as to the kind of clients you want to work with and what you can and will do for them.

* Go where your target client goes, both online and off. When online, does she frequent a certain type of forum, or is she more likely to be checking her Facebook page daily? Offline, is she physically active, does she perform volunteer work? What sorts of friends or colleagues does she have? Both on and offline, does she belong to any groups or associations? You will more likely meet your future clients if you frequent the same venues she does.

* Let your ideal client get to know you better. The old adage that people do business with people they know doesn’t necessarily apply to coaching, but if people feel they know you and believe they would be comfortable with you, they will be much more open to what you offer. With every blog post or article you write, and in every interview or teleclass you give, let your personality and philosophies shine through. Offer a free 15 or 30 minute introductory session. Write a book that showcases your knowledge and highlights your passion. You’ll inevitably attract people who like both what you have to say and how you say it.

* Make it easy to do business with you. Have a range of products and services at various price points so that people might “test drive” your coaching services at risk levels they are comfortable with. Provide payment options on your Web site. Turn the idea of a “free coaching session” into a “paid coaching strategy session” taught by successful life and business coaches. The easier you make it for a potential client to work with you, the greater the likelihood that she will.

* Look For Strategic Partnerships – If you are actively pursuing a coaching business, I am sure you already have a network of peers, mentors, educational and resource contacts. Use them wisely to create projects, events and programs you can work on together – remember, you bring your own unique talents to the table that benefit their clients and help you build your own – all the while creating great promotion for everyone involved. Joint ventures have always been my favorite strategy to move my coaching business forward.

* Write Write Write – get your message out where people can see it – publish articles, blog posts, Ezines, Tweet, use social networking sites like Facebook, etc. There are so many forums where you can easily publish content and where people can see a true glimpse of what you can do. These venues can be a great basis for your marketing materials. These are all great ways to stay in touch with current clients and warm potential clients to your message.

* Get Out There – Network, talk to people, go to events, workshops, join in on live and tele-seminars, etc. Just make a point of being present where potential clients are present. When you are in these situations, do try to listen more and talk less about you – focus on what you think potential clients need and what you can do for them. This will do more for attracting clients than you might think.

* Have Clear Marketing Strategies – Plan your action. Make a goals calendar. Clearly define what you want to achieve and put tactics for getting there in your plan. Outline the next steps for potential clients once they read your newsletter, marketing materials, attend your seminar, etc. The more you plan – the more stress free and automatic your recruitment techniques will become.

* Master of Your Domain – you must have your own web site and you can build one in as few as fifteen minutes. It’s your address, your house – the shingle you hang out that you’re open for business, that you’re an expert that clients need. Your site is where you have free reign to market your ideas and communicate your message. There is really no better vehicle for selling yourself, your products and conduct your coaching programs.

Here’s one more – a BONUS tactic or rather a mindset that will help you get your first clients faster than you can ever imagine:

* Focus on a specific solution – instead of telling people you’re coach and you offer coaching, tell them about the results they’ll get from you. Will they lose 10 pounds in 1 month? Will they get a promotion at work? Will they be able to select the best care for their loved one? Will their teenager increase their GPA by 1 point or more? Solutions sell!

It does not have to be a struggle to fill your coaching business with clients. Keep in mind, there are plenty of people who can benefit from coaching, people who need what you have to offer – you just need to take the appropriate steps to educate yourself first – acquire the necessary skills and then build the necessary relationships in turning these people into trusted clients. You need to make it easy for them to find you and get enthusiastic about what you offer. Master these things – and then signing up with you is a simple decision – one that almost makes itself!

Implement these tips and, with persistent and consistent effort, you will attract the very first client to your coaching business…followed by your second client…and then your third. Before you know it, you’ll see that you’ve crossed that coaching threshold and left ground zero far, far behind you.

Business development is also something that should be part of your daily schedule with no exceptions. Think each day about how you can demonstrate to prospects that you are a credible and qualified professional. Provide sincere results – tangible evidence on how you are uniquely positioned to help them. Stay true to what will make them excited about working with you – don’t try to do everything or be something you are not just to sign them. Above all, work to build trust with your clients. Deliver for them and they will help you build a growing business that you love.

Author's Bio: 

My Mission: Clarity for Coaches

I wrote Coaching Millions and started this site because I was seeing too many talented and savvy coaching professionals frustrated with the coaching business—they were allowing their joy for coaching to be crushed by the day-to-day business and marketing efforts that just don’t have to be that difficult.

For more information, please visit: http://www.coachingmillions.com

please visit: http://www.coachingmillions.com/about-milana

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