Breakups are hard. The first thing that you want to do after a break-up is to refrain from being a psycho. Yes it is fun to fantasize about slashing tires, or throwing a drink in your ex boyfriend or girlfriend’s face. But then reality starts to set in, and you realize that you really miss them. You start to text them at all times of the night, you hang out in the places that you think that they might be. You patrol around their work area or home. And you are really just one step away from being arrested for as a stalker. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you really need to think long and hard about getting your ex-back. So if you’ve made the decision to try and get your ex-back, read on. My proven system will have you back with your ex, spooning, cuddling, and back in love in no time.

The first thing that you need to do is whip out your crystal ball. No, I don’t mean that you have to call a psychic hotline and get screwed by paying twenty dollars a minute. I mean that you need to examine all of the aspects of your relationship.

Look to your past, can you think of anything that you did wrong? Are there some things in the relationship that you’ve could have done differently? Do you think that you can do better now?

Look at your present? Are you still the same person your ex-fell in love with. If not, try and remember that person. Were you happy and joyful, and then all of the sudden got clingy. Did you suddenly become a nag hag, complaining about everything? Did you become heartless and bitter? Did your upbeat bubbly personality morph into one that resembles a psychopath. Remember, you’re not Hitler. And if you said a few things, and did a few things that hurt your ex worse than a Mike Tyson blow. Then, you may need to let off a little steam.

First, get all the negative energy out of you. No you don’t want to go around punching walls or ripping the feathers out of pillows. Instead, focus on the person you would like to be. Write your thoughts down in a journal. Do a brief meditation, take a yoga class, go for a jog or a long walk, all the while imagining yourself blossoming into the person you would like to be. Soon, you’ll find yourself losing weight, and I just don’t mean on the scale. You will lose all of the negative energy that has been weighing you down and causing your relationship not to grow.

Just think, when you finally do see your ex- you are going to be blow them away. And looking damn good I might add. If you truly want to get your ex back, you’re going to have to change the person you are inside. And most importantly, you are going to have to be comfortable with those changes. However, don’t start to mess up by becoming a dummy again. Being a dummy is the reason why you broke up with your ex in the first place. The only thing that you need to do is know yourself, be the best person you can be, and your energy will shine through.

Author's Bio: 

I’ve written hundreds of articles on self-development, spirituality, inspiration, and relationships. Check out my blog to get additional tips, coaching, and guidance. Don’t forget to purchase the magic of making up. It will really change your life.