Fundraising events are entirely dependent on dedicated volunteers. Dedicated volunteers who take the initiative of doing what is best for the fundraisers and fundraising event. They have the heart and passion, and the strong will to carry out responsibilities without expecting anything in return. A smile or gesture of appreciation or gratitude will be much more appealing to these dedicated volunteers knowing that what they are doing is for the greater good of mankind.

Here are some tips on how to get people to be volunteers in your fundraising event.

For a Cause – Make sure that the fundraising event is for a good cause. Explain and let them understand that it is for charity, for the community or for the church. Let them know that others have volunteered because they believe in the fundraising's aim and goal. If they believe in the cause of your event and they share the same thought and emotion, they will be glad to lend a helping hand.

Appeal to their senses – Appealing to their senses and making them understand the benefits of the fundraising event for the church or community will strike an emotional and social awareness. This would bring forth their ability to be of service to others. Be emotionally involved in appealing to their senses and let them know how genuine your intentions are in helping out the community. Charity can appeal to anyone's senses; it can move emotions that will be very significant in obtaining volunteers.

Manner of Approach - Every individual when approached in the right conduct may bring out the best in them. Approach them with sincerity and confidence. A smile is the best way to breakdown walls between two strangers, coupled with a ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ will open up doors to communication.

Impart Motive – Share motives with them honestly. As volunteers, honesty can create a good relationship between fundraisers. Motives in creating a fundraising event would be felt instantly if it's genuine or not. Let the aim or goal of the fundraising event be known for a happy and well facilitated fundraising campaign.

Share Details – Fundraising events have specific details that are carefully planned and properly implemented to be successful. Sharing some of the details to a potential volunteer would give the individual a sense of importance and belonging. Everyone finds the need to belong and the prospect helper just might want to be an active volunteer.

The desire of having dedicated volunteers for a fundraising event is like wishing for a friend. The relationship starts with a smile and the basic ‘hi’ and ‘hello.’ The goal of helping humankind is shared with passion and dedication. After a successful fundraising event, your friend will always be ready to reach out once again for another cause oriented fundraising event.

Author's Bio: 

Barry is an office manager and in his spare time, he enjoys fundraising for various causes and charities.