Dating is easy…and hard. It’s easy because it’s natural to want a man, relationship, or significant other. However, it’s hard because women generally hold men to higher standards than they hold themselves. Most women want a man who’s in great shape, handsome, intelligent, has a good career (money), spiritual/religious and who are fairly honest. (Just to name a few) But, very few women hold themselves to these same qualities at one time. Lets just face it, sometimes your up….way up. Then sometimes, you’re just not so high at all. This is true for everyone. Regardless, women rarely lower their standards for the cause. Cause: I need a man.

If you want to know how to get a man, you should simply start with YOURSELF. Too many single women have the same story. They spend so much time making sure their ‘life plan’ has no detours, and they forget to mingle with men, and with themselves. Instead of catching up on work with a glass of wine, why not go to a jazz bar and have wine while listening to nice music. Instead of going to a movie, how about going to a nice Broadway show or theater performance. If you love to work, be on the lookout for a ‘eligible bachelor’ who does the same kind of work as you the next time you’re on a business trip. Remember; be open to meeting others every place you go. You don’t have to ‘plan’ on meeting “Mr. Right”, in order to find him. If you are constantly thinking about how to get a man while trying to enjoy a nice outing at the same time; then you are already doing the wrong thing.

While you’re out, try approaching a man that catches your attention. Don’t ask him for a date within the first two sentences; just try saying “Hello”. Don’t be afraid to make the first move. If you’re waiting for take-out and the handsome gentlemen orders something you’ve never tasted; try asking him about the dish. If you are at the bar trying to decide what wine to order, lean over and ask the gentlemen next to you instead of waiting on the bartender. Remember that simple conversation goes a long way even if he doesn’t return the interest. This technique is simply getting you in the habit of being open to different arrays of men.

Now that you’ve read this article about how to get a man, surely you understand that the hunt begins with you. Men are equally intimidated with dating. However, they push through because of the standards that today’s women uphold. If you really want to know how to get a man, try giving him a break! Let him see that he’s not the only one out there working. It’s simple! Start by saying “Hello”!


Author's Bio: 

Devon Brown’s No B.S. advice has helped numerous single women just like you get out of their own way and discover how to get a man. Be sure to grab your FREE COPY of Devon's powerful audio interview entitled "The 7 Self-Sabotaging Behaviors That Keep Women From Finding Mr. Right" now by going to