The Internet has revolutionized the way people meet each other in the digital age. There are many advantages to internet dating over traditional dating, such as there being many more people to contact at any single time, as well as the option of being able to date from the convenience of your house. However the downside is that even the smallest imperfection in your profile will make the difference between getting dates with a girl never hearing back from them. This article will walk you through the best way to set up your online dating profile and what mistakes to avoid.

1. When writing e-mails don't use all kinds of little smiley faces and cute little icons. It makes you seem not very mature. And maybe even childish. It will definitely get old quick for the girl reading it. Instead you might want to try inserting a humorous story or even a witty joke that you know.

2. The photo is perhaps the most important part of the profile. Make sure to use only the best photos of yourself. Even if that means putting less photos on your profile, make sure that the very best ones you have. If you don't have any good photos of yourself, have a friend with a camera take pictures or considered even going to a professional photographer.

3. It's important to use the right phrases in your e-mails to women. For instance don't say things like "I'm only here looking for some fun" or" I really only want something casual". That really gives the girl the wrong idea, and sounds like you are there just to get laid. Instead write a respectful message with the hint of a possibility that you're serious about a relationship with the right woman.

4. Don't post any objectionable material like obscene photos are dirty jokes on your profile. You might think it's funny, but most women do not. Instead put photos on your website of you having fun, with your friends and giving off a positive glow. It helps a lot when you're smiling.

5. Avoid spelling mistakes at all costs in your profile. Nothing will turn a woman off more than reading a man's profile full of spelling and grammar errors. If you're using a computer to date, you obviously can also use a word processor to do a spell and grammar check before posting your profile. It really does make a difference.

6. Keep your profile short. Beautiful women get a lot of attention and a lot of e-mail. They also lose interest quickly if they read the wrong thing. So keep your profile short and to the point. Try to keep it interesting but then. Take your time when writing a profile and really think about. If it's not working, tweak it see if your e-mail response rate goes up.

If you really want to know how to get a girlfriend with online dating, then please follow this advice. You do not want to seem too desperate or needy on your profile. You want to come off like an average guy, with a social circle, friends and family to show you already have a life. You don't want to come off as a needy or a loner. It will kill your chances!

If you would like to know more about how to get a girlfriend, then please check out my blog at It has hundreds of free articles and videos you can watch right now to attract and seduce the woman you want!

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