Trying to create that perfect profile for your online dating sites is something that everyone struggles with early on, but to be honest there really is not much to setting up an account and profile that will get you the attention you want. The first thing you need to do though is STOP looking at all the other existing profiles of members because you are NOT them. The perfect online dating profile begins with YOU.

Of course there are many obvious things you should avoid, but to make it easier let's look at some of the things you should always factor in and try to include when creating your profile at the various online dating sites.

Let's start with the most important and obvious element: The Photo.
Profiles that have great dating photos obviously get the most attention. Making sure you upload a picture you look great in and feel great about spells a big difference in how likely your profile will be viewed compared to others. Spending time picking out great online photos or even going to a professional photographer to take your picture can spell a huge difference in the long run. On this note - DO NOT lie and post an image of someone that is not you. You are going to meet your potential dates at some point so why kill your chances before you even begin?

Your Profile information, or Bio is another important factor, and should be well summarised to catch the attention of potential partners. Some sites will only show a brief summary of your bio on the page so be sure to include the important information early on in the piece.

Be honest and tell people who you really are, again there is no point lying here because you are only cheating yourself in the long run. If you have absolutely no interests or hobbies then perhaps you should lie a little. Noone wants to meet someone boring. This is the only exception I make to the rule of complete honesty.

When you complete your profile information in full you are not only providing as much information about yourself as possible and increasing your chances of finding the perfect match, you are also showing that you care. Much like the image you choose to use, the profile shows a willingness to go that extra step - something that every relationship requires.
It is also important to summarise things like your likes, dislikes, hobbies, what you do for a living (optional) and anything else that shapes the person you are.

How Specific Should I Get?

This is really up to you, but a good idea is to check out some of the other profiles online. Since you have already created most of yours it is now OK to check out some of the others. Profiles that have specific information, like what you are looking for in a relationship – long term, fling, or something a little naughtier – are more likely to get more attention from people who are looking for the same thing. You need to tell people what you want and it is incredible how many people don't

The Perfect online dating profile begins with the person that you actually are, not the person you think others would be most interested in. Most people can see through the lies and the fakeness so there really is no point going there. Be sure to include a photo of your good side and let your true colors show in your profile information. Get to the point and don't big note yourself. The perfect profile is only a few good questions away -so start asking yourself what you want.

Author's Bio: 

Learn Secrets Most Men Will Never Know About Online Dating with the Alex Hitchens’ Online Dating Masterclass.

The Online Dating Advice offered in this course will not only show you EXACTLY how to set up the perfect profile, it will also give you secrets and methods that have never been seen before in the world of online dating.

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