Mansukh Patel’s book ‘Your Personal Peace Formula’ is a treasure trove of practical tips and inspiration for anyone who wants to make peacemaking a very practical part of their lives.

Mansukh Patel presents an easy-to-follow formula for success, inspired in part by Mahatma Gandhi’s Seven Laws for Social Success, which the great non-violent campaigner developed right at the end of his life. Mansukh Patel explains how these seven principles can guide us in taking control of the direction in which our society is moving.

What makes ‘Your Personal Peace Formula’ so powerful?

Without doubt, it is the practical peace exercises that Mansukh Patel offers that makes ‘Your Personal Peace Formula’ so powerful. These techniques allow each and every person to really make a difference in his or her life, and from that point to affect the lives of others. Mansukh is passionate about real change, and the book is constantly finding new ways to inspire people to look at their own lives and take that first step towards their goal.

In his own life Mansukh Patel has met many challenges. Brought up during the turmoil of civil war in Kenya, he witnessed from a young age the horrors or war and violence. Later on, Mansukh Patel lead Life Foundation’s detraumatisation teams into the world’s more recent war zones, including the Balkans, the North Causcasus, and Northern Ireland.

It is through this very raw and personal experience that Mansukh Patel has been able to develop such practical and effective techniques for peace building. In ‘Your Personal Peace Formula’, Mansukh guides the reader through the different stages of peacemaking:

·Making peace with yourself

·Making peace in your intimate relationships

·Making peace in your interactions with everyone you meet

·Feeling the oneness with all beings

The highpoint of the book is the ‘Equation for Success’ in which Mansukh Patel outlines the five steps to self-empowerment:

1.Commitment to change

2.The power of the here and now

3.The power of gratitude

4.The power of generosity

5.The power of your personal dreams

Success means different things to different people. Mansukh Patel suggests that a truly successful human being is one who is totally content with him or herself and with his or her life, exactly as it is now – without conditions.

“When you actually uncover your peaceful nature, life will just fall into place,” says Mansukh.

Mansukh Patel’s book helps the reader make giant strides forward in their life, for as he says, “Success is inevitable. The first thing to remember is that the time to begin is right now”.

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Author's Bio: 

Mark Glendale is the marketing manager of A1 Business Search and has been responsible for the smooth running of both the internet and social media marketing for the last decade now. Adept in all areas of successful internet advertising for both A1 Business Search and their branch of subsidiary companies, it is Mark Glendale’s goal to continue providing exceptional leadership and management qualities.