What a pleasure to enjoy the pool in the company of friends and family! Of course, as long as the appearance of the pool is correct. Because... Yes, one thing is clear, is that these pools need maintenance to keep them clean and cared for. It is basic if you want to have optimal hygiene conditions and receive people at home to enjoy it.
However, everyone has a little carelessness. And sometimes, unfortunately, there are consequences for our pool. An example of this is the dirt that accumulates until the water is green. Something that makes swimming in it unappetizing. Something that makes us wonder: does it have a quick solution?
To all this, it must be said that the situation can be reversed... Put a quick solution to green water! There are four quick and effective treatments.
First step: manual cleaning of the bottom
In this step, the manual cleaning begins to remove the deposits and algae accumulated on the bottom of the pool. To do this, there are a series of steps to follow and products to use. We explain it below:
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Use the bottom net to remove as much dirt as possible.
Pass the manual vacuum broom. This avoids the suspension of deposits.
There are two options for this. One is to do it through the filtering system. And the other, with the Venturi system. In this case, the dirty water that we have is sent to the drain, which entails a reduction of the water level and the skimmers need it. It will be necessary to fill the pool with clean water. Another reminder: empty the pre-filter basket of the pump. Dirt accumulates there.
Last step: pass the wall brush. With this product, we will clean the bottom of the pool to remove the most difficult dirt.
Second step: water treatment (disinfection)
In this second phase, we will obtain that the water of the swimming pool passes from green to blue. And for this, it is necessary to treat the water with chemicals for the disinfection of the pool.
Before beginning, important: it is necessary to verify the cleanliness and effectiveness of the filter and that we have the ph balanced (between 7.2 and 7.6).
For the disinfection of the swimming pool, different chemicals can be used. Although the use of some of them is prohibited as hydrogen peroxide.
In this section, in particular, we want to talk about the effect of shock chlorine. Because its use makes disinfection faster, the level of useful chlorine increases and causes faster dirt removal.
Choosing the right dosage will depend on the volume of the pool and the state of the water, as well as the manufacturer's instructions. However, it is recommended to use the granules because it dissolves better.
How to use it?
To fill a bucket of water of about 15 liters with water of the swimming pool and then to pour the chemical.
Stir the mixture for dissolution.
Pour the content in a nozzle of return of the filter of our swimming pool. It is necessary to avoid that it goes to the bottom.
Then, you will only have to wait at least 8 hours before using your pool.
Third step: Use of algaecides
Imagine that your pool not only had green water but also the presence of algae was abundant.
To remove the algae you will need to use algaecide products. This is an additional step that is recommended only in those cases of heavy algae presence. It should be done when the water is no longer green and leave a day's margin from the end of the treatment with disinfectants.
It ensures greater efficiency, in the same way, that using a curative anti-algae treatment does to prevent algae from returning to the pool.
The only thing you will have to do: pour the liquid into the water, in front of the supply nozzles, in shock doses.
The correct dosage you will have to verify, according to the volume of your pool. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to the manufacturer's instructions.
antialgae to clean swimming pool
Last step: Use of flocculants
flocculant astral past for swimming pool when your swimming pool already has the blue water, but it is still cloudy, it is when the flocculants/clarifiers come into play.
To restore crystal clear water. What these chemicals do is group the small dirt from the bottom of the pool into larger ones. They allow the filter to pick up the dirt more easily and then we only have to run the pool cleaner.
Before using these chemicals, it is important to have an optimal ph level for this process known as flocculation to work. Also, consult the correct dosage by looking at the label or manufacturer's instructions.
How to use these pool flocculants?
As we said, check the ph level.
Pour the product. Depending on its format, we will put it directly into the water or into the skimmer. In the latter case, if it comes in tablets, cartridges or granules.
Let the chemical reach the bottom and wait at least 8 hours.
Run the pool cleaner to remove the most stubborn dirt.
Important: often, there seems to be more compatibility of flocculants for sand filters. However, there are also some available for cartridge filters.
Darleen Prangue is a passionate writer about everything related to pool
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